The best-selling books, Forbes rating

Even in the era of the Internet, Russians remain one of the most reading nations in the world. And summing up, Forbes magazine released a list of publications that are best soldn bookstores. It turned out that the preferences of Russians are gradually shifting towards non-fiction and serious stories. Significantly increased sales of psychological, natural science and historical literature.And “not straining the brain” reading matter, although it is kept among the leaders in sales, but, according to Forbes experts, “significantly loses in numbers.”
• We present you the top 10 most popular books. Forbes took into account sales of books released from November to mid-December.
10. Little life
The novel by the American writer Hanya Yanagihara opens the selection of best-selling books. It's about four friends who are trying to make it in the bustling, vibrant, and affluent New York City. However, the further the story takes readers, the clearer that three of the friends are just a background for the protagonist, in whose past there are many dark secrets.
9. Live in St. Petersburg: from Palace to Sadovaya, from Gangutskaya to Shpalernaya. Personal Stories
Such a long title has a collection consisting of stories by many authors. This is a book about Petersburg and for Petersburgers. It tells about the past of the city, evokes nostalgic memories of childhood and youth, saturated with the unique atmosphere of St. Petersburg. Thanks to this collection, you can learn more about the events that played an important role in the life of the city on the Neva.
• Already sold 38 thousand copies of the book.
8. Text
The work of Dmitry Glukhovsky (the author of the sensational "Metro 2033") touches on the social problems of modern society. As one of the readers put it in his review, it turned out to be a mixture of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment and Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo.
• Ilya, the protagonist of the book, returns home after serving 7 years for a crime he did not commit. His hopes to start life anew immediately went to dust: his mother dies, the girl did not wait for him, and his hometown has changed a lot over such a long period of time.
• There are no more people close to Ilya in the world. All that remains is the desire to take revenge on the policeman who framed him and sent him to prison.
• Since June, over 44 copies of Text have been sold.
7. Tobol. Many are called
If you like the film The Geographer Drank His Globe Away, then you should know that it was based on the book of the same name by Alexei Ivanov. In 2017, Ivanov released the historical novel Tobol. Many called” about the difficulties of conquering and developing the beautiful and dangerous Siberian lands. The fates of captured Swedes, smugglers from China, merchants from Bukhara, convicts and officers, officials and chroniclers, shamans and Orthodox priests, and other people whom fate brought together in the then capital of Siberia called Tobolsk bizarrely intertwined in it.
• The number of sold copies of the book reached 46,67 thousand.
6. iPhuck 10
This is the fifteenth novel by Viktor Pelevin, and quite fresh, he "saw the light" on September 26. The action of iPhuck 10 takes place in the second half of the 21st century, and the main character is not a man, but a computer police-literary algorithm nicknamed Porfiry Petrovich. He not only investigates crimes, but also writes books. iPhuck 10 is the name of one of them, and it is also the name of one of the most expensive sex machines in the world invented by Pelevin.
• In September-December, 48,1 thousand copies have already been sold.
5. The price of the issue
The top 5 bestsellers are opened by a book written by Alexandra Marinina. Its main character is General Sharkov, who heads a secret project to purge the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from corrupt officials and "werewolves in uniform".
4. In a still water
British writer Paula Hawkins is already known to readers for such a bestseller as The Girl on the Train. Her new novel is written in the thriller genre, and from the first page plunges into the intricacies of events taking place in a small town.
• The main character Nel returns to the city of her childhood to pick up her orphaned niece, and recalls the events of her far from rosy past. She is sure that her sister did not commit suicide. But most of all, Nel fascinates and frightens the backwater, nicknamed the Deadly. Why do women die in its calm waters for a long time?
• It is not known whether the devils "In the still pool" are found, but it is known that 58 thousand copies of this book have already been sold.
3. Where happiness lives
The work of the Englishwoman Jojo Moyes, despite its bright and cheerful cover, is dramatic. However, Russian readers, accustomed to suffering for the sake of happiness, like it. During the year, the book sold 60,93 thousand copies.
2. Babi wind
The second place in the rating is occupied by the novel by Dina Rubina, written in the form of emails. They are written by a certain Galina to her friend, for her this is a way to pour out her soul. Galina used to live in Kyiv, and then went to America and found a job in a beauty salon. By the nature of her profession, the heroine of the book encounters a variety of people, and entertaining, and sometimes repulsive stories of everyday life.
• Since the presentation of the book (which happened on March 28) to the present, 75,65 thousand copies have been sold.
1. Selfie with destiny
The first place in the list of best-selling books is taken by the detective story of the popular writer Tatyana Ustinova. Its action takes place in the village of Sokolnichye, where one influential lady was found murdered. The main character – Professor Ilya Subbotin, who is fond of solving crimes – will have to help the valiant law enforcement agencies and find the killer.
• For the whole year, the book "Selfie with Destiny" was sold in the amount of 81,1 thousand copies.