The most expensive flowers in the world

• Flowers are one of the most charming gifts of nature. And enterprising people have long figured out how to turn it to their advantage. Entire fortunes were created and disappeared on flowers, to recall at least the Dutch Tulip Fever of the 17th century – the first financial pyramid in history.
• Its most expensive "brick" was a bulb of a rare variety Semper Augustus ("Eternal August"), which at the peak of the tulip boom cost up to 4600 florins. For comparison: a pig could be bought for 30 florins, and a cow for 100 florins.
• Do you think the times of such “flower madness” are over and now you can’t get rich by selling just one flower? Well, in our ranking of the most expensive flowers in the world, there are representatives, in comparison with which Semper Augustus was given away for nothing.
10. Gloriosa luxury
• Gloriosa distribution area – "three A": Asia, Africa and Australia. This flower attracts attention with its bright color and special shape, reminiscent of flames.
• It represents ambition and success, making it a great gift for those who are entering college or have just landed a new job.
9. Lily of the valley
• According to legend, this flower appeared when the tears of the Virgin Mary crying for Jesus touched the ground. Lily of the valley looks harmless, their delicate tiny flowers and sweet smell can fool anyone. It is one of the most popular flowers for decorating weddings.
• In fact, this is a very poisonous flower, and he even appeared in one of the episodes of Breaking Bad. The poison is used to protect the plant from predators.
8. Gardenia
• A greenhouse flower from Italy with a deep and sexy floral scent, this is the perfect perennial to brighten up any garden or jacket lapel.
7. Black Orchid Fredclarkeara After Dark “SVO Black Pearl”
• One of the most beautiful and unusual orchids in the world has a honey-spicy aroma. It is a complex interspecific hybrid of Clowesia, Catasetum and Mormodes. The flowers of the black orchid are tulip-shaped and collected in a brush on a long peduncle. They are distinguished by a bright dark color with a reddish tint.
6. Medinilla
• Medinilla flowers immediately attract attention with a pale pink color. But growing this capricious beauty is not so easy.
• And the point here is not only the high price of the plant itself, but the fact that it is difficult to reproduce and is very demanding on lighting and humidity levels. So the best way to admire the medinilla is to look for it in large botanical gardens or greenhouses.
5. Jade flower
• This exotic plant is a typical representative of the legume family. However, nondescript peas and beans are only distant relatives of the handsome Strongylodon. Such creepers grow on loose and moist soils, under the cover of trees in the forests of Southwest Asia, Africa and Madagascar.
• And during flowering they are covered with long (up to 2 meters) dense tassels of flowers, which resemble tiger fangs in shape. Although Strongylodon can be red, purple and crimson, the most beautiful of them is large-clustered, with flowers of a greenish-blue hue. This color is unique, and is not found in any of the representatives of the flora. Even the pollination of a jade flower is unusual – bats and moths do it.
4. Saffron seed
• It would be extremely inappropriate to mention all the most expensive flowers in the world without including saffron in the list. It is valuable not for its beauty, but for the fact that an expensive spice and food coloring are obtained from the dried stigmas of a flower. For 1 kilogram of saffron, 200 flowers are needed.
3. Rothschild Orchid (aka "Kinabalu Gold")
• The Rothschild orchid is one of the most expensive and rare flowers in the world. It was discovered in 1987 and has almost completely disappeared. Now it is only available on the black market because it is an endangered species and therefore protected by law.
• A rare orchid from the Kinabalu National Park on the island of Borneo in Malaysia has an interesting petal shape. However, you need to be patient to see them, because this orchid blooms once every 15 years, a short period from April to May.
2. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid
• The most valuable orchid in the world and also one of the most expensive flowers you can buy. It was named after a group of Chinese researchers at Shenzhen University who spent almost ten years creating this plant. The plant differs from its counterparts in a light green shade of petals and a bright core.
• This orchid is incredibly moody and will take five years to show its first flowers, but it's worth it. Back in 2005, an anonymous buyer bought Shenzhen Nongke at an auction for over $200.
1. Rose Juliet
• This shrub rose cultivar is known as the "£3 million flower". That is how much (or $3,9 million at the current exchange rate) the breeder David Austin spent to create the perfect flower. Deciding to create a flower in the form of old garden roses with a wonderful and unobtrusive fragrance, Austin spent 15 years developing it.
• These roses were presented to the public at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2006. Visitors to the exhibition were fascinated by the perfection of the peach-apricot flowers, which, gradually blooming, changed their color to a bright pink hue with darker tones in the middle of the flower. They were also impressed by the astronomical price that made the Juliet rose the most expensive flower in the world. However, now the cuttings of this beauty can be bought cheaper,
Priceless flowers
Some things in life are priceless. The Kadupul cactus is one of them. Nicknamed "Queen of the Night" and "Moon Cactus", this elusive little plant is one of the rarest flowers in the world.
• But what makes it so unique? It blooms only once a year and only in the dark, and its beauty fades before dawn. You cannot pluck this flower without hurting it. The smell of the flower is called the midnight miracle, it is believed that it has calming properties. But few people in the world were lucky enough to see and smell the flowers in person. It is possible to buy a bottle of Kadupul perfume. However, how do you know if a flower really smells like that?
Middlemist red
• Another priceless plant that can only be found in 2 places on Earth. One of them is the New Zealand Botanical Garden, and the second is one of the greenhouses in England. At the same time, the birthplace of the flower is China, and it is named after the British gardener John Middlemist, who brought it from Asia to Europe in the 19th century.
• Moreover, it is not known how Middlemist Red ended up in New Zealand. There is an assumption that the descendant of the English flower, and not the Chinese one, was already taken out. According to another version, one of the two flowers, which belonged to John Middlemist, was sold without his knowledge.