The best video games based on movies and TV shows

• The best games based on films and TV shows have taken the most successful source materials as a basis. They allow players to immerse themselves in their favorite worlds through epic villain battles, wall running, and space flights of fantasy.
10. Die Hard Trilogy (1996)
• This computer game is based on the first three films about police detective John McClain starring Bruce Willis.
• Trilogy includes three games at once, each of which differs in genre and gameplay, which corresponds to the films. Here you have a first-person shooter, and a rail shooting range with a huge number of both enemies and civilians, and frantic attempts to find explosives hidden by a terrorist, while the clock inexorably counts down to the "badabums". But all three games are united by John's ability to skillfully handle weapons, and his unchanging sense of humor.
9 Alien: Isolation (2014)
• It's a scary ordeal in the spirit of Ridley Scott's original Alien. You play as Ellen Ripley's daughter Amanda, who shares a spaceship with a very agile and dangerous stowaway.
• The rare survivors on the ship are also dangerous, like primitive androids, but the main fear and horror is, of course, the Alien, which is fast, merciless, unpredictable and hunts down the player like a real hunter.
• If your movement on the ship is detected, run or hide. The third option is death.
8. Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (2000)
• This game belongs to the fourth season of Star Trek Voyager and is an amazing first-person shooter. It features a number of characters and settings from the series in a visually pleasing world.
• The developers included in their offspring a large number of videos that promoted the plot in between gunfights. And most of the Elite Force characters were voiced by actors from the Star Trek series.
• A well-crafted storyline, combined with addictive gameplay and excellent graphics for its time, makes Elite Force worthy of a place in the list of the best video games based on movies and TV shows. The project was so well received by gamers that it spawned a sequel, Star Trek: Elite Force II.
7. The Walking Dead: The Game (2012)
• Episodic gaming is an area in which Telltale Games is like a fish out of water, so it's no surprise that its attempt to create an immersive game based on The Walking Dead series has been a success.
• Critically acclaimed and loved by fans, The Walking Dead: The Game is as close to a real-life zombie apocalypse as you can get.
• The game focuses on character and story development, with every action the player takes affecting the outcome of the story. Along with a superb storyline that rivals the comics, The Walking Dead is a marvelous display of emotional storytelling with enough puzzles to keep the pickiest of gamers hooked.
6. The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (2004)
• It's a rare occasion when a game surpasses the source material, which in this case was facilitated by the fact that films about the brutal Riddick performed by Vin Diesel were not masterpieces.
• The plot of the game takes place before the events of the Black Hole. Game Riddick finds himself in a prison called "Butcher's Bay" – an impregnable bulk of steel and stone. Of course, the hero tries to escape from it.
• One of the gameplay elements is the RPG component. Combining hand-to-hand combat, gunplay and stealth with puzzles, building reputation with prisoners, and dialogue with NPCs makes the gameplay fun and varied.
5. South Park: The Fractured But Whole (2017)
• It's a fun role-playing game, surprisingly story-driven, written and voiced by the creators of South Park. In it, you play as a rookie who has been drawn into one of Cartman's schemes.
• Of course, "Shattered But Whole" will offer the player what South Park is famous for – below the belt jokes, making fun of adult and children's problems, as well as ideas that are so crazy that they are even good.
• Another South Park related gaming masterpiece is South Park: The Stick Of Truth, a fun RPG that contains references to the first 17 seasons of the show.
4. Game Of Thrones (2014)
• A number of Game of Thrones games have been released over the course of its eight seasons, but Telltale Game's take on events in Westeros has proven to be the most interesting. And no wonder, because the project was developed in collaboration with Ty Corey Frank, personal assistant to George R.R. Martin. The events in it unfold after the end of the events of the third season of the series of the same name and end before the events of the fifth season.
• Game Of Thrones consists of 6 episodes, and in each of them, the decisions of the players affect the storyline. The game includes the voices of actors from the original Game of Thrones, which helps to add authenticity to the action.
• While the graphics in Telltale Game's Game Of Thrones aren't the best, this game will have you proclaiming "Valar Morghulis" in a Westeros accent.
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
• The Return of the King game, based on the 2nd and 3rd parts of the Lord of the Rings movie saga, offers gamers a wide roster of characters – Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. Each of the heroes has its own set of skills.
• This versatility allowed players to adapt to different playstyles. Want to let Frodo charge into the fight at the Black Gate? Or maybe you want to play Gimli so that you can hit Gollum with an ax? The Return of the King is at your service!
2.Spider-Man 2 (2004)
• The 2004 game tie-in to the movie of the same name was groundbreaking for the time, and 17 years later it's still good.
• Thanks to the open world and Spidey's signature moves, players could truly feel like Peter Parker. Their character could run on walls, use spider sensors to increase speed and agility, jump into the water from skyscrapers, and deal with petty crimes in between heroic main missions.
• Combat in Spider-Man 2 is stylish and varied with a plethora of unlockable abilities, and characters like Mysterio and Puma complete the main Doctor Octavius story.
• Note that in the PC version, the gameplay has been greatly simplified compared to the console versions. Because of this, the ratings of different versions vary greatly: for example, on Metacritic, the PC version received a score of 42/100, while PS2 – 80/100, Xbox – 83/100, and PSP – 67/100.
1. Golden Eye 007 (1997)
• It's hard to imagine what the multiplayer first-person shooter genre would be like without the wild success of GoldenEye, one of the best movie-based video games out there. Its advantage is not so much in design, but in the multiplayer mode, which turned virtual skirmishes into art.
• GoldenEye 007 also had an excellent single-player campaign that included DOOM-like level design, but with added realism – multiple objectives in each mission, failing one of which would "lose" the entire level.
• There are 20 levels in the game, 2 of which are secret. The first of these is partly based on the movie Moonraker. Bond's path leads to an ancient Aztec city where a stolen space shuttle is located.
• The second level is based on three films at once:
- "The Man with the Golden Gun"
- "The Spy Who Loved Me"
- "Live and let die."
• Bond is confronted by Baron Saturday, who has obtained Francisco Scaramanga's golden pistol.