Rating of the best varieties of melon 2021 for a greenhouse

• Fragrant, juicy, sweet melon is a valuable source of fiber, water, beta-carotene, potassium and magnesium salts and other useful substances. But the price tag for a melon, growing year by year, can worsen the mood of even the most optimistic person.
In order for this fruit to please you not only with taste, but also with accessibility, grow a melon on your own. And we will talk about ten the best varieties of melons .
10. Aikido F1 – the best melon variety for Siberia and the Urals
This hybrid can withstand extreme temperature changes and thrives in beds in temperate continental climates with little rain. In colder conditions, it can be grown in a greenhouse, while the yield is not reduced.
• Russian summer residents love him for his unpretentious care and high resistance to powdery mildew and Fusarium – the scourges of melons. Even if you leave the melon alone and visit the country house only to fry kebabs, Aikido F1 will most likely please you with a harvest.
• It is recommended to grow Aikido in seedlings, after the soil warms up to 20 degrees. In cold regions, seedlings are placed under a film shelter.
• Aikido F1 ripens quite early – 70 days after planting. This melon tastes very sweet and juicy, its pulp contains 10-13% sugar.
9. Banana melon – the most unusual variety
This exotic melon has an elongated shape, flattened on the sides, and inside is an orange pulp, sweet-oily texture, which tastes like a banana. Hence the name of the fruit.
• Banana melon ripens 60-65 days after shoots appear. It is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse, since when grown in a garden, the yield is “lame”.
8. Collective farmer – the sweetest variety of melon
If we were talking about Tajikistan or Uzbekistan, we would choose a different kind of melon, such as obi novvot. But Russia has its own climatic features, and obi novvot is very picky about heat. It is good that the Collective Farm Girl is unpretentious and ready to delight us with tasty and juicy fruits with slightly crispy pulp.
• This variety has been grown since the late 30s. It ripens in 90 days, has small round fruits weighing up to one and a half kilograms, and tolerates transportation well.
• It is possible to grow a collective farmer both in open ground and in a greenhouse, but in the second case, she needs artificial pollination.
• The melon of this variety is not immune from the fungus, therefore, it requires mandatory treatment with fungicides on the eve of flowering and with the growth of ovaries.
7. Dream of a sybarite (aka Dream of a lazy person) – the most unpretentious variety of melon
An ultra-ripe (ripens after 50-55 days) small-fruited variety is resistant to diseases and pests of gourds, and allows you to collect up to 20 fruits from a bush per season. The dream of sybarite bears fruit continuously, until frost.
• The fruits themselves are small – 300-499 grams in weight – but their flesh is very sweet and crunchy, like an apple. The skin is very thin, so the melon cannot be stored for a long time.
• Another useful quality of this variety is the ability to easily endure cold weather. However, Dream of a sybarite loves heat, therefore in central Russia it is recommended to grow it in a shelter and pollinate it by hand.
6. Radmila (aka Medetli) F1 – the best ultra-early melon variety
This oval melon with a characteristic mesh on the skin ripens very quickly – in 55 days. It has dense and tasty pulp, but not only for this it is worth choosing Radmila F1 among many other varieties of melons.
• This variety has an increased ability to regenerate and excellent immunity from various "melon" diseases, such as fusarium wilt and transfer. In addition, it tolerates transportation well, in the process it ripens (reaches the state of consumer ripeness) in 2-3 days.
5. Kamar F1 – the best mid-early melon variety
This powerful plant will give you large and very sweet (some even call them cloyingly sweet) oval-shaped melons, weighing up to 2,5 kg.
• The melon ripens, on average, in 60-65 days, and is suitable for growing in open ground (in warm regions) and in a greenhouse (in Siberia and the Urals).
• The variety Kamar F1 is resistant to fusarium, and numerous leaves reliably protect fruits from sunburn. Another advantage is its small seed chamber.
4. Kazachka 244 – the best mid-season variety of melons
This high-yielding variety of Soviet selection has a beautiful bright yellow color and dense, fibrous, sweet pulp.
• Cossack ripens slowly – from 70 to 95 days, and from one square meter you can collect up to 1,8 to 2,9 kg of fruit.
• The variety is characterized by medium resistance to powdery mildew and anthracnose. You can grow these melons both in the garden and in the greenhouse, using trellises. You can even grow a Cossack by grafting into a split on a pumpkin, in which case the melons become more cold-resistant.
3. Torpedo "Rainbow" – the best late-ripening variety of melons
This variety got its name for its elongated shape. "Rainbow" Torpedo was bred specifically for Russian conditions, where the climate is not as hot as in the homeland of the "original" – Central Asia.
• Its weight reaches 5-6 kg, and the growing season is from 100 to 110 days. Torpedo pulp is very juicy, slightly oily, sweet and high-calorie compared to other types of melons – 35 kcal / 100 g.
• Due to the fact that the plant reaches a height of 2 meters and strongly weaves, it is necessary to build supports for the Torpedo bushes.
2. Agashi F1 – the best melon in terms of keeping quality
An unpretentious hybrid in care is best suited for the Central region and the Volga region. Abundant foliage reliably protects the fruits from the sun, and when they ripen (this happens after 70-75 days), they will delight you with creamy, very sweet pulp with a sugar content of 13-15%.
• Agashi F1 is not afraid of powdery mildew and downy mildew, and can be stored for up to 4 months without loss of taste and presentation.
1. Gerda F1 – the best variety of melons for growing in a greenhouse
Is there a lack of light in your greenhouse and the temperature is such that you want to dress warmly? It doesn't matter, Gerda F1 is "born" to withstand such conditions.
• By the time it is planted, the temperature of the earth in the greenhouse should warm up to 14-16 degrees, and the plant itself should be one month old. Until full maturity, 80-85 days pass after the first shoots.
• Mature Gerda has fruits weighing up to 2 kg, and its flesh is whitish-creamy, very fragrant and tasty.