Top 7 Signs of a Phone Scam

• Every day, there are reports in the media that fraudsters, under the guise of a bank security service, have lured money from another gullible citizen.
• According to the deputy chairman of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov, last year the attackers made more than 15 million calls to Russians. They are constantly improving their methods of taking money from the population, they act very convincingly and assertively, they use IP telephony and phrases that inspire confidence, for example: “I am fixing information”, “I am transferring you to the chief specialist”, etc.
• And even if you are firmly convinced that you will not fall for their bait, tell your loved ones 7 signs of a fraudulent call. If the dialogue goes according to one of the following scenarios, you must immediately hang up.
7. The interlocutor is trying by any means to find out the SMS code, data from the card or Internet bank
• The real employees of the bank where you keep your funds know your card number. And the SMS code is an analogue of the password, and bank employees are forbidden to ask it. Also, they will never ask you to give your login and password from the Internet bank or security codes from the back of the card.
• If you have even the slightest doubt that you are talking to a real bank clerk, find out his name and hang up. Then call the number listed on the bank's website or on the back of your card and ask to switch to the employee who called you.
It's important: do not call a phone number that was allegedly dictated to you by a bank employee.
6. The interlocutor hurries you, does not allow you to collect your thoughts
• It is important for scammers that you comply with their requirements as soon as possible. After all, if you start to reason and analyze the situation, you will guess that the call is phishing.
• Therefore, do not fall for tricks like "Give me the code from the SMS as soon as possible so that I can / la block the suspicious transaction." These are clear signs of a scam call. A real bank employee will not rush you, he has nowhere to rush until the end of the working day. He may even offer you to visit a bank branch and find out all the information you need on the card there.
• But the attacker will ardently dissuade you from visiting the bank office, referring to the fact that employees can be compromised.
5. There was a request to transfer money to a secure account
• To lull the vigilance of his victim, a telephone scammer may offer her to transfer money to some secure or reserve account, and close the main one. In some cases, citizens withdrew their money from all their deposits and then transferred it to the attackers.
• Needless to say, it was much more convenient for a fraudster than asking for confidential information on individual cards?
Another version of this scheme: a scammer notifies a client that a loan has allegedly been issued in his name. And to cancel the operation, you need to “kill the loan with a copy” and transfer the money to a secure account.
4. The interlocutor does not answer clarifying questions
• The bank knows all the financial information about its customers, including the account balance, validity period and the number of connected cards. But scammers don't.
• You can easily catch a “Bank Security Officer” in a lie if, for example, you dictate to him a completely arbitrary card number (passing it off as your own) and ask how much money is in the account now.
3. The interlocutor asks for phone numbers that you usually make calls to
• Your mobile phone is the key that opens online banking. In some cases, attackers can reissue a SIM card by naming the numbers you called most often and providing a fake copy of your passport.
2. The interlocutor offers to install special software on the phone
• The “bank security officer” will assure that this application will protect your confidential data and will not allow funds to be stolen from the account. In reality, exactly the opposite will happen.
• And the real representatives of the bank will only shrug their shoulders – you yourself installed the application on your smartphone, and with its help the attacker will gain access to your online bank and be able to transfer funds to your account.
• The media have already written about such cases, for example, a 30-year-old resident of Altai, after installing such software, lost 188. to someone else's card.
1. You receive a call from an automated call center
• Not always a fraudulent call begins with the words "You are called from the bank's security service." It happens that a robot allegedly from a banking organization acts as a messenger who brought bad news.
• It tells you that your card is blocked for one reason or another and dictates a number you can call for more details. And then human cunning comes into play, and the fraudster, on behalf of the bank, tries to find out the secret card data or the password from the online bank.
Remember: All contact information is listed on your bank's website. Call only these numbers, and not the numbers indicated in the SMS received from an automated call center or supposedly a bank employee.