Top 10 films that had a big impact on reality

• There are a few select films in the history of cinema that have managed to make a tangible impact on reality. This list contains films that have influenced various areas of life, such as law, sports, medicine, etc.
• All members of the list are ranked by release date.
10. Grand Illusion (1937)
Genre: drama, military
Kinopoisk Rating: 7,8
Rating IMDb: 8,1
• One of the greatest anti-war films of all time, directed by French director Jean Renoir, hit theaters in 1937, just a few years before Nazi Germany occupied France. He criticizes the rise of fascism and radical nationalism and instead celebrates humanity.
• The film was highly acclaimed both in Italy and in the United States. However, this praise attracted the attention of Joseph Goebbels, the German Reich Minister of Propaganda. He called the film "cinematic enemy number one" and ordered that all copies of it, including the original negative, be destroyed.
• And he almost succeeded, and the few copies that remained were either incomplete or in poor condition. Only in the 1990s was a miraculously surviving negative in good condition discovered.
9. Snake Pit (1948)
Genre: drama, detective
Kinopoisk Rating: 7,2
Rating IMDb: 7,6
• This movie, which has had a strong influence on real life, is based on the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name by Mary Jane Ward about how a woman, against her will, ended up in a mental hospital. The film received many awards around the world, and the role of Olivia de Havilland was nominated for an Oscar.
• The Snake Pit was one of the first Hollywood films to deal with mental illness. He raised issues such as the inhumane conditions in psychiatric hospitals and the controversial treatment of the mentally ill.
• The success and popularity of both the novel and the film helped bring about massive reform in mental hospitals across America. Conditions in these facilities, procedures for patients, and treatment options have all undergone sweeping reforms in many states.
8. Fantomas (1964)
Genre: comedy, crime, adventure
Kinopoisk Rating: 7,8
Rating IMDb: 6,9
• When André Hunebell's French crime comedy came out on the screens of Soviet cinemas, it was perceived as an action movie. And the main negative character, elusive and mysterious, fell in love with many viewers much more than the positive characters. And this led to sad consequences.
• Cases of attacks on newspaper and tobacco kiosks became more frequent, and at the crime scenes, policemen found notes “Fantômas did it.” Teenagers threw notes in mailboxes with text like “I need a corpse. I chose you. See you soon! Fantomas". The juvenile crime rate after the release of the first and second films increased by 15%.
• Then more serious crimes began to occur in the Moscow region – an unknown person set fire to houses, leaving a note "Fantômas did this." The criminal was caught, he was mentally ill.
• In 1968, a whole gang of Fantomas appeared in Rostov-on-Don. But these were not teenagers, and not mentally ill people, but money lovers who committed armed robberies of cash collection machines and cash desks of various institutions. The gang was headed by Vyacheslav and Vladimir Tolstopyatov. In total, the Fantomas account for 14 armed robberies and several murders.
• It was possible to detain the criminals only in 1973, the leaders of the gang were sentenced to death, the rest of the gang members received long prison terms.
7. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Genre: fantasy, adventure
Kinopoisk Rating: 7,9
Rating IMDb: 8,3
• This is one of the most controversial and daring films of American cinema. The technical prowess of A Space Odyssey has stood the test of time as it remains one of the most beautiful films of all time to this day.
• Just over a year after the film's release, the United States became the first country to land astronauts on the moon. Shortly thereafter, conspiracy theorists began telling the story that Stanley Kubrick had been approached by NASA to stage a fake moon landing because of how realistic he had made 2001: A Space Odyssey.
• Opponents of the moon landing point to Kubrick's film The Shining (1980), which contains several allusions to Apollo 11, as evidence that Kubrick confessed to being involved in staging the moon landing.
6. Scenes from married life (1974)
Genre: drama
Kinopoisk Rating: 7,8
Rating IMDb: 8,2
• Starring Liv Ullmann and Erland Józefson, this Swedish drama explores the breakdown of the marriage between Marianne and Johan. It begins on the tenth anniversary of marriage and shows how insecurities, jealousies and existential neuroses lead to the collapse of relationships. But divorce suddenly turns out to be an excellent opportunity to show sensitivity, sincerity and understanding to each other, which the heroes lacked in marriage.
• "Scenes from a Married Life" was watched by almost half of the population of Sweden. Within a year of its release, the divorce rate in Sweden jumped to record levels and the number of couples seeking relationship therapy skyrocketed. Many people viewed the film as an exploration of marriage in an almost documentary style.
5. Taxi Driver (1976)
Genre: thriller, drama, crime
Kinopoisk Rating: 7,8
Rating IMDb: 8,2
• In this film, Robert De Niro plays taxi driver Travis Bickle, a loner who becomes mentally obsessed with a girl, Betsy (Cybill Shepherd) and a young prostitute, Iris (Jodie Foster). After being rejected by Betsy, Travis decides to get revenge by killing the man she works for.
• Taxi Driver was already controversial for its graphic content, but in 1981 the controversy about it reached new heights after John Hinckley Jr.'s attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. Hinckley Jr. claimed he was infatuated with Taxi Driver and shot Reagan because he wanted to impress Jodie Foster.
• After that, a debate began to arise in society about the connection between the increase in violence in pop culture and its impact on society.
4 Star Wars Episode 4 – A New Hope (1977)
Genre: science fiction, action, fantasy, adventure
Kinopoisk Rating: 8,1
Rating IMDb: 8,6
• This space saga, and its sequels, had a tremendous impact on world culture. She was inspired by Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson and Luc Besson, and film studios willingly gave the green light to fantastic stories, thanks to which the shooting of Alien became possible and the shooting of the full-length Star Trek resumed.
• Even a religious movement called "Jediism" was born. His followers have no places of worship or rituals, and Star Wars Jedi Knights are not revered as saints, but rather as sensei.
• When Ronald Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative, a system of lasers and missiles designed to intercept incoming ICBMs, the plan was dubbed "Star Wars", implying that it was science fiction and linking it to Reagan's acting career. In addition, Reagan called the Soviet Union an "evil empire."
• Well, about the curiosity. In the presidential elections in Ukraine, an internet party tried to nominate a man named Darth Vader. But he was denied registration because the real identity of the candidate could not be verified.
3. Pirates of the 1979th century (XNUMX)
Genre: action, thriller, crime, adventure
Kinopoisk Rating: 7,4
Rating IMDb: 6,7
• The script for the highest-grossing film in the history of Soviet cinema was written by Stanislav Govorukhin. Govorukhin himself was busy filming The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed, so Boris Durov filmed Pirates instead.
• This motion picture is the first in the USSR in which karate techniques were demonstrated. The pioneer of karate in the USSR Tadeusz Kasyanov played in it (he played the role of the boatswain). He was also a fight director.
• This type of martial art was banned in the country for a long time, it was considered contrary to socialist morality and they were afraid that people trained in karate would use their skills to commit crimes.
• After the "Pirates of the 1989th Century" screening, karate became the most popular "underground" type of martial arts in the USSR. Officially, it was allowed only in XNUMX.
2. The Truman Show (1998)
Genre: drama, comedy
Kinopoisk Rating: 8,3
Rating IMDb: 8,2
• The film tells the story of a man who gradually realizes that his life is actually a reality show.
• Shortly after the release of The Truman Show, Joel Gold, a psychiatrist at the New York University School of Medicine, and his brother, Ian Gold, a professor at McGill University, began to study patients who were convinced that the media controlled their lives and that they were the center of attention in their own lives. reality show.
• Joel Gold first began seeing patients with these symptoms in 2002, and after he gave an academic lecture in 2006, about 60 people reported experiencing the same psychotic delusions.
• Many of the patients specifically mentioned that they felt like the protagonists of The Truman Show, leading the Gold brothers to call the phenomenon "Truman Show nonsense."
1. Blackfin (2013)
Genre: documentary
Kinopoisk Rating: 7,9
Rating IMDb: 8,1
• One of the most successful films of all time aimed at achieving social change. Blackfin is the story of Tilikum the killer whale and how human negligence and brutal conditions at SeaWorld water park eventually led to the deaths of several people, including a trainer.
• The film was so powerful that it led to many protests against SeaWorld, essentially ruining its reputation forever. Attendance at the park plummeted, and net income dropped by 84% after the film's release. Many of the artists who were planning to perform at SeaWorld turned it down. In addition, SeaWorld lost numerous advertising sponsors, and in 2016 the park announced that it would no longer breed killer whales.