Where to invest money in 2023 profitable

I studied the recommendations of 15 market experts in search of profitable options, where to invest in 2023 year, and I will talk about each of them in detail. Participants of the selection are ranked depending on the degree of risk.
• Three golden investor rules will help keep your financial ship afloat in 2023:
At firstdiversity is the key to success. The more options in your investment portfolio, the better.
Secondly, it's good to have a cash reserve for potentially interesting deals – who knows when a favorable opportunity will present itself.
The third, but no less important rule for increasing capital: your investment portfolio must contain at least two currencies (and preferably more).
- Yield: high
- Risk: high
- Period: monthly
• In Russia, it is forbidden to use cryptocurrency to pay for goods and services, and there are difficulties with its acquisition due to anti-Russian sanctions. For example, the world's largest exchange for the purchase / sale of cryptocurrency Binance, working with, restricted access to its platform for Russians, leaving only the withdrawal of funds. And in October last year, a package of sanctions came into force, prohibiting the servicing of crypto wallets of users from the Russian Federation.
However, there is also good news. Until the end of 2023, mining may be legalized; a group of deputies introduced the corresponding bill back in November 2023. The Bank of Russia (CB) is not opposed, but believes that the digital currency obtained through mining should be sold only on foreign exchanges and only to non-residents. And its use within the country can only be available to support exporters. About it .
• Cryptocurrency is a high-risk, but super-profitable asset, with it you can either “break the bank” (as it was with bitcoin at one time), or go into a huge loss, or lose your wallet overnight due to sanctions or a hacker attack. If you are ready for this, then I recommend keeping no more than 10-20% of cryptocurrencies in your investment portfolio, and, of course, different ones. Leave the rest to precious metals, federal bonds and other more or less stable investments.
• Of the most promising cryptocurrencies in 2023, experts recommend investing in:
- BeeCoin is a token that the developers promise to add to their own Otherside metaverse and other Yuga Labs products.
- FRPN is a cryptocurrency that is controlled by Certik, a company working in the field of developing blockchain security methods. Holders of this crypto will receive a 2% commission for all transactions within the network.
- SAND is a token that is used on The Sandbox site. There, every person can buy and sell digital assets and art objects.
- Yield: medium/high
- Risk: high
- Period: from a year and up
• Startups are an area where it is better for a novice investor not to invest money. After the explosive startup boom in 2021, the hype ended and the harsh reality began. The value of the shares of some newcomers has fallen to half, and if there is growth, then it is small – at most 4-5%.
• According to experts, the startup market in 2023 promises to be difficult – more than enough “new and promising” ones have already entered the exchange, and the economic downturn, inflation, rising prices around the world promise to complicate the picture even more.
• However, even in the dark financial forest, you can catch a unicorn if you pay attention to promising trends. These are companies involved in the provision of e-commerce systems, the development of new delivery methods (for example, accelerated or exotic – unmanned drones), as well as the digitalization of processes that currently exist in a predominantly paper form – for example, settlements between medical institutions and patients.
- Yield: medium
- Risk: average
- Period: from year
• If you are looking for where to invest money for passive income in 2023, pay attention to the shares of companies from the oil and gas sector, such as Gazprom, Lukoil and Rosneft. According to Aton analysts, cited by RBC, the average profitability in the oil and gas sector in 2023 will be 17%.
• As for non-oil companies, in whose shares it is better to invest money in 2022, the IT sector, namely Yandex, looks very promising here.
• The post-COVID situation favors online trading, and Yandex is very actively developing this direction.
• The shares of Magnit are very attractive – to this day it is one of the leaders in terms of the number of stores, although in terms of revenue it lags behind the king of the market – X5 Group.
• And it is impossible not to mention Sberbank – for many years it has been an unsinkable financial ship of the Russian Federation.
Pamm investment
- Yield: low/medium/high (account dependent)
- Risk: low/medium/high
- Period: monthly
• A risky yet very attractive option for those who are exploring where to invest in 2023 for passive income. The investor entrusts the conduct of transactions to an experienced trader-manager, who receives a certain percentage of income.
The higher the aggressiveness of the account, the more risky it is, but the profit can also be high, albeit in the short term. at various venues dedicated to PAMM investment, are advised to invest in several PAMM accounts with different strategies and trading instruments. This will allow you to stay in the black if one of the accounts is unprofitable.
• The largest Forex brokers are:
- Alpari.
- RoboForex.
- fxpro.
- Forex4you.
- Gerchik & Co.
- Alpha Forex.
Bank deposit/savings account
- Yield: low
- Risk: short
- Period: 3 months to a year or more
• A bank deposit or savings account is a good choice for cautious people who are looking for where to invest small amounts of money. Deposits of individuals up to 1,4 million rubles are protected by the state.
Potentially interesting opportunities, where it is better to invest money at interest, are deposits at 7-10% per annum in reliable banks. You can choose where it is better to invest money at interest on the Banki.ru profitability calculator.
• It will not work to increase capital strongly, the fall of the ruble and a surge in prices for foreign goods looming on the horizon, which can eat up the small profit that the deposit promises.
- Yield: low.
- Risk: short
- Period: three to five years
• Now the Russian stock market in terms of where it is now profitable to invest money is becoming promising. Alexander Dzhioev, an analyst at Alfa Capital Management Company, spoke about this financial platform of online services for Banki.ru.
• But where to invest in 2023 for passive income, if you are already going to create an investment portfolio yourself? I recommend that you study the Shares and Quotes section for today on the Banki.ru website and choose the most successful options, taking into account price changes over 2 years.
• The segment of IT companies, as well as companies that supply part of their products to China, also looks promising. These include, in particular, NLMK and MMC Norilsk Nickel.
Real estate
- Yield: up to 30% per year
- Risk: short
- Period: five years or more
• For risk-averse conservatives, a good option to invest in for passive income in 2023 is real estate.
• However, one cannot count on super profitability either – the maximum that will come out is about 10% of the spent. The exception is large and resort cities, where housing becomes more expensive up to 30% per year.
• The most delicious investment is in real estate for rent (for example, a warehouse), which is used by large retail chains under long-term contracts. You can, of course, open your wallet and buy a place for a retail outlet on your own, but it is more profitable to do this through funds. Ideally, if the fund has several retail or industrial areas and three or more tenant companies.
• Also a good option where to invest money in a crisis is a cottage or a land plot for individual housing construction. Some investors buy one large lot, survey to create several small lots, and then sell each one. The total amount more than beats off all costs, including the services of a cadastral engineer.
• As for residential real estate, the picture is not so happy. Due to the mass exodus of Russians from the country and a number of other factors, the residential real estate market is expected to collapse, which may drag on for more than one year.
Precious metals
- Yield: low/medium (depends on metal demand)
- Risk: short
- Period: monthly
• If you are looking for ways to invest money in order to increase without any difficulties and risks, then the simplest thing is to open an unallocated metal account. If money is stored in a bank account, then precious metal in grams is stored in a metal account.
• The most popular precious metals on the market are gold, silver, palladium and platinum. And the most stable of the popular precious metals is gold.
• The price dynamics of platinum and palladium depends on the state of the various sectors of the industry in which these metals are used.
• It is not necessary to buy the chosen metal in kilograms, the minimum quantity starts from 0,1 grams, so it is quite possible to invest small amounts of money in the metal account from time to time.
• The account is unlimited, and you can sell and buy metal online, through your personal account. The course of prices for precious metals can be viewed on the website of the Central Bank.
• It is also possible to buy coins made of precious metals, but this is a risky option, because it can be more difficult to sell such coins than to buy them.
• There is also an unusual option where you can invest money with a guaranteed profit – open an Ak Bars Aurum debit card, to which a metal account is automatically opened. Users who hold on the card from 30 rubles receive 000% per annum in real gold. It can be sold to the bank or taken in the form of an ingot. The disadvantage of such a proposal is that Ak Bars Bank does not have branches in all Russian cities.
Ruble bonds
- Yield: low
- Risk: short
- Period: Monthly / Quarterly / Semiannually / Annually
• Where is it better to invest money in 2023 for those who are not ready for risks and need a small but stable passive income? Perhaps the safest option, where it is better for a novice investor to invest money, is bonds of large Russian companies.
• Bonds have fixed yields, and the resilience of the debt market demonstrated in 2022 suggests that it will remain a safe haven in 2023.
• The most profitable option is securities with a maturity of up to 3 years and with high ratings, at least A-(RU) from ACRA and ruA from Expert RA JSC.
Own education and development
- Yield: high
- Risk: short
- Period: monthly
• Where can you invest money to get a monthly income? In my own head – of course, in a figurative sense. There is nothing more reliable and stable than individual knowledge and skills.
• After learning a new profession, you can work for yourself from home, or try to change the type of activity. Moreover, by the beginning of 2023, there is a catastrophic shortage of personnel in the labor market, the “line behind the fence” is ending.
• For self-education, it is not necessary to shell out money for paid trainings. There are enough free resources on the Runet with online courses and lectures, such as Lectorium, Intuit, Stepic, 4brain, etc.
This information is not an individual investment recommendation, and the financial instruments or transactions mentioned in it may not correspond to your investment profile and investment goals (expectations). It is your task to determine whether a financial instrument or transaction matches your interests, investment objectives, investment horizon and acceptable risk level. Bestbewertet.top is not responsible for possible losses in case of making transactions or investing in the financial instruments mentioned in this information, and does not recommend using this information as the sole source of information when making an investment decision.