Food and drink
The best food and drinks. Independent ratings and tests of high-quality and low-quality food. Delicious and healthy food. Lists of foodstuffs recommended for purchase and consumption.

Sweet New Year's gifts that are better not to give to children: a study by Roskachestvo
Before the New Year holidays, bright sets of sweets appear in stores. So I want to please the child by buying him such sweets! But not all sweet Christmas gifts are the same...
The best coffee beans for a coffee machine
If coffee is your best drink of the day, and the coffee machine is firmly "registered" in the home kitchen, then settle for something less than the most delicious coffee in ...
Dangerous and safe organic products in 2023, Roskachestvo rating
The inscription "natural", "eco", "organic" on the packaging increases customer confidence in the product. However, not all products with such labeling are really useful and safe. Roskachestvo experts in...
Best 20% sour cream 2023, Roskachestvo rating
Increased contamination by bacteria, vegetable fats, a large amount of yeast. These and other shortcomings, Roskachestvo experts have identified 20% fat content in sour cream from various manufacturers. What sour cream is worthy of "registering" ...
The best pasteurized milk of 2023, Roskachestvo rating
Advertising shows us that the most delicious milk is delivered to the store right from under the cow. However, incredulous users guess that milk may contain vegetable fats, ...
The best and worst canned salmon fish of 2023, Roskachestvo rating
Who wants to find helminths in canned fish or end up in a hospital bed because of poisoning? And this may well be if you eat low-quality canned food from ...
The best and worst kvass of 2023, a study by Roskachestvo
Unlike vanilla ice cream, there are a lot of five-star participants in the rating of the best kvass of 2023 according to Roskachestvo. And even the worst kvass was rated...
The best and worst vanilla ice cream of 2023, Roskachestvo rating
Cold ice cream and on a hot day is the best treat. But not all ice cream is equally useful. In pursuit of cheaper production, some manufacturers of ice cream ...
The best and worst Gouda and Edam cheeses, Roskachestvo rating
Are there budget and tasty Gouda and Edam cheeses? Employees of Roskachestvo asked this question, and conducted a large-scale study of products from the mass segment. Here's what it looks like...
The Best and Worst Beer Drinks of 2023, Roskachestvo Rating
Which beer drinks are worthy of the title of the best, and which are worthy only of a trash can, the experts of Roskachestvo understood. Here are the top beer drinks of 2023,...
The best and worst brands of "Dutch" cheeses according to Roskachestvo
The results of a large-scale cheese study conducted by Roskachestvo will be of interest to those who regularly buy Dutch cheese. You will find out which inexpensive brands are safe, and which manufacturers ...
The best cheeses "Russian" and "Tilsiter", the version of Roskachestvo
The more expensive, the better – does this statement apply to Russian cheeses? Experts of Roskachestvo figured out this issue. In honor of World Cheese Day (January 20)...
The Best and Worst Canned Wild Meat, Roskachestvo's Version
Canned meat of wild boar, deer or elk is attractive for its novelty, but frightens with the unknown. Do they really contain exactly the meat that is indicated on the label, ...
Rating of the best Russian wines 2021 according to Forbes
For the first time since its inception, Russian Forbes has compiled a rating of the best domestic wines. It includes the most interesting, unusual and high-quality samples – sparkling, quiet...
The best and worst red caviar, Roskachestvo version
Red caviar is an expensive product, so consumers expect quality from it. And their expectations are not always justified, some red caviar, not only on ...
Best Russian Champagne 2021, sparkling wine rating (Roskachestvo)
Bubbles of champagne in a glass, a sip and “fu, how disgusting!” We do not need such a New Year. And so that champagne brings you only positive impressions, the experts of Roskachestvo...
Real and fake canned food with saury, a study by Roskachestvo
Canned saury is a popular and not very expensive product. But in pursuit of profit, manufacturers even replace saury with cheaper raw materials – sardine and ...
The best inexpensive beer, Roskachestvo rating
Delicious and inexpensive beer – does it happen? “It happens,” the Roskachestvo experts confidently answer, having studied 113 brands of beer in glass, plastic and aluminum packages. All...
15 most popular alcoholic cocktails
Now it's time for New Year's Eve parties. Well, alcoholic cocktails, as you know, reign at festive events of any format: cocktails are drunk with pleasure in...
The best chocolate wafers, Roskachestvo rating
Chocolate wafers are a tasty and yet inexpensive treat. However, many Russian consumers doubt the safety of this product. The most common fears identified by Roskachestvo experts...
The best children's kefir, Roskachestvo rating
Parents approach the choice of children's dairy products as responsibly as possible: they read the composition, look at the expiration date and the integrity of the package. But to illuminate the inside of the package with x-ray vision,...
Best pollock, rating of Roskachestvo
Pollock is one of the most popular fish on the tables of Russians, it takes 8-9% in the average fish basket. And no wonder, because it is affordable ...
Best stew 2021, rating of pork stew from Roskachestvo
Pork stew is a hearty and tasty product, ready to eat. It can make navy pasta, meat salad, fried potatoes, soup, and a hundred...
The best canned fish, Roskachestvo rating
With canned fish, you can make a delicious dish in a few minutes, from fried potatoes with saury to salad or a sandwich with sprats. And for the dish to be...
Best Ryazhenka 2021, Roskachestvo rating
Having decided on the best brands of kefir, the experts of Roskachestvo took up fermented baked milk. After researching the products of 20 brands, they found that only half of them produce high-quality ...
Top 10 healthy snacks with iHerb
When there is no time for a full-fledged meal, but an energy boost is still needed, store-bought bars with a huge amount of cholesterol, sugar and ...
Best kefir 2021, Roskachestvo rating
Do you want a product rich in antioxidants and protein that improves the functioning of the digestive system, quenches thirst well on a hot day, and costs less than 100 rubles?...
Best kvass 2021, Roskachestvo rating
Kvass is one of the most popular summer drinks, it perfectly quenches thirst and is inexpensive. However, some manufacturers instead of high-quality kvass – a natural drink ...
Top 15 Foods for Energy and Vitality
If you're having a hard time keeping your eyes open during your work day, it might be time to reevaluate your diet. Sugary drinks, candy and baked goods are too fast...
The best chocolate ice cream according to Roskachestvo
Eating ice cream on a hot summer day, what could be nicer? And if you want to choose not only tasty, but also a safe delicacy, then...123Page 1 from 3