The best charitable foundations of Russian businessmen 2021 – Forbes rating
“It is better for businessmen to conduct their business honestly than to give part of the excess profits to charity.” — Theodore Roosevelt.

• Russian Forbes decided to measure the level of social responsibility of Russian businessmen. The magazine's experts have compiled a list of the largest private charitable foundations whose founders are included in the rating of the richest entrepreneurs.
• The list includes only those funds that the owners themselves consider private, not corporate. The rating participants are ranked by places depending on the amount of funds and the effectiveness of their work. The latter was measured by several criteria at once, ranging from the presence of a strategy, organization, transparency and accessibility of information about the work of the fund to the number of grants provided.
10. "Islands"
Budget, million rubles: 33
• The foundation, founded by Sergei Adoniev and his wife Maria, specializes in helping children suffering from a rare genetic disease – cystic fibrosis. Although modern science cannot cure the disease itself, it can make the life of patients a little more tolerable and prolong it for at least a few years.
• The Foundation supports medical organizations and patient unions, helps arrange professional conferences, and also takes part in the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Ministry of Health.
9. "Rybakov Fund"
Budget, million rubles: 365
• Igor Rybakov, the owner of the TechnoNIKOL corporation, is in charge of charity work together with his wife Ekaterina. This is one of the youngest funds on the Forbes list, having been founded only six years ago.
• Over the years, the young charitable organization has explored many areas, from business coaching to women's leadership. However, Rybakov groped for his own philanthropic theme – now it is support for programs in school and preschool education.
8. Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation
Budget, million rubles: 328
• The politician, president of the biathlon union, former chairman of Norilsk Nickel and current owner of Renaissance Credit, together with his sister Irina, have been in charge of supporting Russian culture for 17 years.
• Each region develops its own cultural program, taking into account local characteristics. Every year, the Prokhorov Foundation holds several cultural events, competitions, festivals and fairs, and also supports theater projects.
7. "Safmar"
Budget, million rubles: 2413
• This fund was established by the oil billionaire, the owner of RussNeft, Mikhail Gutseriev. His charitable interests are quite wide – from programs in education, healthcare, sports, reconstruction of cultural monuments to helping young talents, creating places of worship for different religions, grants to museums and even supporting television programs (including "We start KVN").
6. "Our future"
Budget, million rubles: 539
• A large charitable foundation with such a big name is headed by Vagit Alekperov, the permanent owner of the oil giant Lukoil.
• “Our Future” is a multi-station fund; he is engaged in both training entrepreneurs and providing them with large loans on favorable terms, helps to sell goods, and also develops social businesses where people who find themselves in difficult living conditions can earn their labor ruble.
5. "Absolute-help"
Budget, million rubles: 337
• Don't be fooled by the corporate-sounding name of the fund – in fact, this is a private philanthropic project of Alexander Svetakov, the king of the construction and investment markets.
• The foundation specializes in supporting children with special needs. Svetakov subsidized the construction of a boarding school where such children study together with ordinary children. The fund also has a program with the help of which special children can visit cultural institutions on an equal basis with everyone else.
• In addition to the children's fund, Svetakov founded a charitable institution for the rehabilitation of injured animals.
4. "Basis"
Budget, million rubles: 214
• Oleg Deripaska has two charitable foundations, both dedicated to the development of science. Once upon a time, Oleg graduated from the physics department of Moscow State University, but perestroika stood in the way of his scientific career. During that period, academic science as such began to disappear due to lack of funding.
• Many years have passed since then, and Deripaska himself found himself in business, but the old love does not rust, and the billionaire decided to support Russian science. If Volnoe Delo is engaged in financing scientific and educational programs, then Basis is devoted purely to physics and mathematics.
• The Foundation subsidizes research, organizes scientific schools, pays scholarships to scientists and entire scientific groups, implements a program to improve the level of teaching in universities, and also has its own website on popular science topics.
• Technospace, a place where teenagers discover engineering, has been built and has been operating for a long time in the Krasnodar Territory. It is planned to build such centers throughout Russia.
3. "Art, science and sport"
Budget, million rubles: 1448
• The name of the fund fully corresponds to the interests of its owner, a general patron of the arts, Alisher Usmanov. Of the fund's capital, 87% of the funds are spent on projects interesting to the founder, and the remaining 13% remain on the programs of the fund itself.
• Usmanov is interested in many things:
- Assistance to modern universities (prestigious, like MGIMO), theaters (also not the last on the list – for example, Sovremennik) and museums (including the Tretyakov Gallery)
- The development of local culture, to which the ART-WINDOW project is dedicated.
- With the money of the entrepreneur, competitions for young talents are organized, as well as charity concerts. For example, quite recently the National Philharmonic Orchestra headed by Vladimir Spivakov went to Tashkent. Alisher Usmanov's fund paid for it.
- Another project is to help people with visual impairments. They are not only helped to navigate in space, but also taught how to work on a computer and even culinary arts. Most recently, an interactive master class organized by the foundation was held, where eminent theater and film actors cooked “blindly” with their eyes closed together with blind guests.
2. Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation
Budget, million rubles: 1070
• The positions of the leader of the two previous "charitable" ratings from Forbes, the Elena and Gennady Timchenko Foundation, were shaken – he moved from the first place to the second. The gap is still very small, and there are chances that next year Timchenko will regain the palm again.
• After the announcement of the coronavirus epidemic, the Elena and Gennady Foundation announced the creation of five new anti-crisis projects (in addition to the already existing four). One of them is dedicated to helping and caring for the elderly, especially those who do not have relatives and children. In addition, the Timchenko family helped fight the coronavirus, so to speak, personally, spending up to 3,1 billion rubles on this. (of this amount, a billion rubles went through the fund).
• One of the current projects of the fund is cooperation with the administration of Udmurtia, in line with the development of national projects, the significance of which Vladimir Vladimirovich himself stressed. So in Udmurtia, several programs for children, youth and older people have appeared:
- Sports direction (development of hockey, teaching chess in schools, etc.),
- cultural direction (several projects in small towns and villages of the republic),
- and family patriotism.
1. Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation
Budget, million rubles: 1012
• The best charitable foundation was one of the first to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic. A week after the introduction of the quarantine regime, Potanin announced that he would increase support for NGOs by a billion rubles. A week later, in early April, the Potanin Foundation announced the creation of two new major grant competitions.
• According to experts, the speed with which the Potanin Foundation adjusted to the changed circumstances and allocated money for the transition to the digital mode, testifies to the highest degree of organization. Traditional charitable events of the foundation were held online in 2020, and at the end of the year, another new program and an additional grant competition were opened.
• Last year, the fund's spending increased by 80% – anti-crisis measures cost money. Thanks to him, almost 500 organizations got a chance to somehow stay afloat, and the contribution of Potanin himself was appreciated by the prize of Russian cultural figures.
• In addition to systemic assistance (investments and valuable instructions), the foundation donates money directly. For example, he recently transferred 9,4 million rubles. Perm fund "Dedmorozim", which is engaged in palliative care for sick children.
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