Rating of the best varieties of onions in 2023

• This article presents both the most productive and unpretentious, as well as unusual in appearance varieties of onions for planting in 2023. They are selected according to the reviews of gardeners on specialized resources. Have a good harvest!
The best varieties of onions
10. Yalta red
• This sweet lettuce really has a dark red color. Looks very nice on the beds. The price of "Yalta Red" in stores bites – from 250 rubles per kg and above, so it is profitable to grow it for sale.
• A distinctive feature of this variety is the sweet and at the same time moderately spicy taste of the pulp. It is devoid of the bitterness inherent in the "traditional" onion, due to the low content of essential oils.
• The disadvantages of "Yalta Red" include: a short shelf life (no more than 3-4 months) and low cold resistance. Therefore, in the northern regions of Russia, this variety is grown through seedlings. But in the southern regions, seeds are planted in open ground to a depth of 1,0-1,5 cm.
• The ripening time of "Yalta Red" is 140-150 days, caring for it is simple – watering, loosening and preventing onion fly "raids" (a solution with ammonia saves, sprinkling plants and soil under them with birch ash). Bulbs grow large – up to 330 grams, but on average – 100 grams. Productivity – up to 4-6 kg per square meter.
9. Red Baron
• A popular variety of red onion, great for winter storage. With proper storage, "Red Baron" can last even until the end of May.
• Differs in peninsular, juicy taste and fast ripeness (92-95 days). Recommended for five Russian regions:
- Central,
- Central Black Earth,
- Ural
- Volga-Vyatsky
- North Caucasian.
• Suitable for cultivation for personal needs, as well as for commercial production with mechanized harvesting. The yield of "Red Baron" is high – 5-8 kg / m2.
8. Exhibition
• If size matters to you, then pay attention to the Exhibition onion variety. It grows up to 800 grams in weight, and has a high yield – 5 kg per square meter. Refers to varieties of late ripening.
• In order for the heads to be large, you need to plant "Exhibition" with seedlings, if you plant it immediately in the ground, then the heads will not have time to fully form, they will be of medium size, and the main "highlight" of this variety will be lost.
• The taste of "Exhibition" is sweet, but at the same time sharp and burning. It is great for harvesting and making onion soup, but will not survive long winter storage.
• The disadvantages of this bow include the fear of fusarium. Therefore, the seed material must be watered with biopreparations based on hay bacillus.
7. Centurion F1
• This mid-early hybrid matures in 90-100 days and is recommended for cultivation in the Central region of the Russian Federation. It is characterized by high keeping quality (up to 9 months), and excellent yield – on average, 1-4 kg of "centurions" are harvested from 5 square meter. When feeding with nitroammophos, the yield will be higher.
• "Centurion F1" has a sharp and semi-sharp spicy taste, juicy pulp, and a characteristic smell. It is resistant to disease, drought and cold, and is practically devoid of flaws.
6. Sturon
• You can start collecting bulbs as early as 115-130 days after germination. This Dutch variety does well in the Moscow region and colder Russian regions.
• "Sturon" is one of the most storable onion varieties; without loss of presentation, it can lie for 7-8 months. It has a sharp, rich, moderately watery taste, suitable for salads, and for preparations, and for first and second courses. The yield is excellent – up to 8 kg per square meter. The bulbs are uniform, small, with beautiful golden brown scales.
• This species is resistant to shooting, extremely unpretentious in care, not afraid of cold weather, but loves sandy loam and loam and is prone to peronosporosis and onion mosaic. If desired, this onion can be grown even on the windowsill.
5. Pink flamingo F1
• Do you want to surprise your neighbors with an unusual onion? Get a "Pink Flamingo" in the country! This Ural hybrid has a sweet taste (the pulp contains 6-7% sugar), as well as a pink shade of scales, atypical for onions. Ideal for marinades and salads.
• 'Pink Flamingo' is resistant to bolting, suitable for long-term storage, and can grow both outdoors and indoors.
• The vegetative period is 120 days, after which it is possible to collect rounded fruits weighing up to 400 grams. It is better to plant such onions in a well-lit and ventilated place where tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers or cabbage used to grow. It is enough to water a couple of times a week, fertilize regularly, and "Flamingo" will delight with a stable harvest of fruits weighing up to 400 grams.
4. Strigunovsky local
• This bow can be called an old-timer among Russian varieties. It was bred back in the 18th century by the inhabitants of the village of Striguny. In 1943 he was included in the Russian State Register. And in 1974 he received the Big Gold Medal at the Leipzig Spring Fair.
• The taste of "Strigunovsky" is not for sissies, it is very spicy and spicy. The yield of the variety is high – up to 8 kg per square meter. And the duration of storage without loss of commercial properties reaches up to a year.
• "Strigunovsky" can be grown in any Russian region. In the Middle lane, Siberia and the Urals, it is recommended to grow it through seedlings, then the bulbs will be large, although they will ripen longer. From the moment of germination to the time of harvest, 77-98 days pass.
3. Snowball
• This Dutchman quickly took root due to significant advantages, including:
- Cold resistance.
- Good keeping quality.
- Disease resistance (with the exception of powdery mildew).
- Good yield – up to 4,7 kg per square meter.
- Fast ripening – 100 days after planting the seeds.
• The composition of the soil Snowball is extremely unpretentious, requires watering no more than 1-2 times a week, but needs top dressing, loosening and weeding. The taste of this onion is slightly spicy.
2. Hercules F1
• One of the most popular types of yellow onions was entered into the State Register of Russia not so long ago – in 2006.
• It is good for its climatic unpretentiousness – it feels great both in the hot south and in the dachas of the Urals and Siberia. Not afraid of decay. It grows even without fertilizer, does not form arrows, does not require frequent watering, and is great for beginner gardeners who do not want to mess with the beds often.
• "Hercules" ripens very early – in 75-80 days, gives from 4 to 8 kg per square meter. It has a sweet-spicy, but not bitter taste. The golden husk of this onion is quite dense, so it can withstand long-term transportation without losing its beautiful appearance.
1. Comet F1
• One of the sweetest types of onions – its snow-white pulp contains up to 8,2% sugar. It is unlikely that you will gnaw it like apples, but in salads the taste of "Comet" is best revealed.
• The hybrid is mid-late, matures in 120-125 days and has a developed root system. Immune to pink rot and Fusarium, perfectly stored for up to six months. Up to 5 kg of bulbs are harvested per square meter. In cultivation, "Comet" is unpretentious, but those who planted it recommend that it be watered after germination, for two weeks, every three days.
Brief classification of onions
• According to the ripening period, the following types of onions are distinguished:
- Early ripening – from 70 to 100 days from the moment of sowing to harvest.
- Mid-season – from 90 to 120 days.
- Late-ripening – over 120 days.
• By taste:
- Sharp – these include most of the early varieties.
- Semi-sharp – sweetish, with pulp of medium density.
- Sweet – ideal for salads, but not stored for a long time.
Distinctive features of red, white and yellow onions
• Usually, when the word “onion” comes to mind, it is the yellow onion that comes to mind. Yellow onions are cheaper than their white and red "colleagues", and are universal in culinary purposes.
- It usually has a spicy or semi-sharp taste, with or without bitterness.
- During heat treatment, caramelization occurs, the onion becomes more pleasant in taste and smells fragrant.
- Many yellow varieties of onions have a longer shelf life than white and red onions.
• The color of a red onion can have different shades, up to purple.
- Red onions have many sweet varieties.
- It is ideal for salads, does not spoil the taste of dishes with bitterness and excessive spiciness.
- Rich in vitamin C and quercetin – an antioxidant that gives the vegetable a beautiful red hue.
- Not as "teary" as yellow onions.
• White onions look beautiful and appetizing. Its pulp has a soft structure, delicate and sweetish taste.
- White onions do not need to be treated with boiling water to remove the bitter taste.
- White onions are usually larger than yellow ones (with the exception of especially large-fruited varieties such as Hercules).
- White onions do not last long, soften quickly, and are also loved by various pests, such as the onion fly.
• In terms of calories, there is almost no difference between white, yellow and red onions.
- A small (80 grams) white onion contains, on average, 42 kcal,
- in red – 43 kcal,
- in yellow – 40 kcal.