10 books everyone should read
There are books that should only be read, there are those that are best swallowed, and only a few are worth chewing and digesting. — Francis Bacon

• Now a modern person can read many works of literature from different times and peoples. Books, since the advent of the first alphabet, have been an integral part of the lives of all people. They contain a colossal amount of information accumulated by mankind throughout its history.
With the advent of the World Wide Web, books have acquired a new digital format. Now it is not necessary to go to the store for a printed version, it is enough choose a good e-book and upload a digital copy of the work there.
However, among the many books around us, it is difficult to choose exactly the one that will really bring real pleasure and peace to our soul. The team of the well-known throughout Russia book fraternity "Flibusta" made up top 10 books everyone should read In my life.
Crime and Punishment
Author: Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Genre: novel
Litres rating: 4,7 of 5
• The classic work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" deserves special attention of every reader. This is one of the best books of our Russian writer. If for some reason you have not yet got acquainted with this masterpiece of literature, we advise you to do it as soon as possible.
• The book touches on many emotional aspects of human life. The protagonist of the work commits the most terrible crime – murder, and does this by no means from a good life. Dostoevsky shows the complex emotional path of the human soul from the realization of guilt to repentance. Reading the book helps to understand oneself and set the right priorities in life.
The Catcher in the Rye
Author: Jerome David Salinger
Genre: novel
Litres rating: 4,3 of 5
• Jerome David Salinger is considered a cult classic of our time. His book, The Catcher in the Rye, has been read by millions of people around the world. The appearance of the novel is associated with a turning point in all literature of the 20th century. According to Bill Gates, this is his favorite book.
• The author tells the story of a 16-year-old teenager living in America. He is young, hot, brave and ready at any moment to give up everything for the realization of his ideas. The experiences of a teenager will resonate in the soul of any person who undertakes to read this book. The Catcher in the Rye will help you remember or relive that wonderful age when it seems that everything is possible.
Anna Karenina
Author: Lev Tolstoy
Genre: novel
Litres rating: 4,7 of 5
• The most worthy work of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, who won millions of people's hearts. A novel that was ahead of its time by several years, although it tells about the era of the 19th century. The author touches on many interesting topics of the formation of a person's personality in different life situations.
• The plot revolves around a married girl Anna Karenina and a talented officer Alexei Vronsky. The main character will face a difficult choice, from which her whole future life will envy. An intricate love story, noble intrigues, beautiful royal balls and many fascinating details of the bygone world of Tsarist Russia await you.
The Master and Margarita
Author: Michael Bulgakov
Genre: novel
Litres rating: 4,7 of 5
• A mystical novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, on which the author devoted more than 10 years of his life. The writer managed to reveal several storylines devoted to the eternal questions of the meaning of life, the price of the human soul, the concepts of good and evil, love and hate, the nature of human existence.
• Flibusta advises re-reading the novel several times, since with each attempt the plot of the book is revealed in a new way. The stories of the Master, Margarita, Woland and other characters from the first pages drag the reader into their mystical world, built by the pen of a brilliant writer.
Romeo and Juliet
Author: William Shakespeare
Genre: tragedy
Litres rating: 4,6 of 5
• William Shakespeare wrote the most beautiful tragic work about the young and ardent love of a man and a woman. The story will tell the reader about the clash and enmity of human hearts, show all the manifestations of human hatred, take Romeo and Juliet into the world of crazy love. The tragedy received many adaptations and theatrical productions.
• The enmity between the Capulet and Montague families flares up more and more every day. The tension is rising, and anyone is ready to kill his enemy. But it is at this time that the bright and pure love of Romeo and Juliet, who are on opposite sides of the barricades, is born. Nothing will stop them on the way to joint happiness, neither the words of their father, nor even death.
Flowers for Algernon
Author: Daniel Keyes
Genre: literature of the 20th century, foreign classics
Litres rating: 4,5 of 5
• Daniel Keyes has written a science fiction novel that has received worldwide acclaim. The plot is based on real stories of people from the writer's environment. The idea for the book was formed by Keys for 14 long years. The first edition appeared in 1959.
• Daniel told a touching and instructive story on paper about a man who suffered from developmental disabilities since childhood. Many laughed at him, but he was truly happy, because he did not notice human hypocrisy.
• At one fine moment, he undergoes an operation on the brain, which changes the entire thinking of the protagonist. Suddenly, a man is faced with many problems and questions that he had not even thought about before.
• When searching for this work, remember that there are two versions of this book – a short story and a novella. Both genres tell about the same story, but with different events inside.
Author: George Orwell
Genre: antithupy
Litres rating: 4,5 of 5
• George Orwell's novel 1984 was written over 50 years ago in 1949. In his book, the author touches upon the political issues of the totalitarian regime. With the help of a fictional dystopian world, the writer shows the true face of human nature, endowed with power.
• The plot of the novel will plunge the reader into a world ruled by the one and only political party. However, the protagonist of the book, deep down, does not agree with the ideological slogans of tyrants. He keeps a secret diary where he writes down all his "wrong" thoughts.
• "1984" is a book dedicated to the aspirations of a person driven into the narrow framework of rules for freedom and equality. The novel is recognized as the best work that tells about the problems of a totalitarian society.
Triumphal Arch
Author: Erich Maria Remarque
Genre: novel
Litres rating: 4,7 of 5
• A novel by Erich Maria Remarque about the love that has arisen between completely different people. The book was published in 1945, just after the end of the war. A year later, "Arc de Triomphe" becomes the best-selling bestseller in America.
• The events in the book develop around a talented surgeon who survived all the upheavals of the First World War, and an Italian actress girl who lives only in dreams of future glory. A passion flares up between them, which leads them to a pre-doomed relationship.
One hundred years of solitude
Author: Gabriel García Márquez
Genre: novel
Litres rating: 4,3 of 5
• Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian author who excelled in writing magical realism. The book was published in 1967 in the amount of 8000 copies. The author shows the development of socio-economic society and its decline on the example of one settlement.
• We are talking about the village of Macondo lost in the jungle and the Buendia family living there. The author will tell you about a completely different world, where miracles are considered commonplace, and issues of social inequality are a mere trifle. However, all the inhabitants of Macondo have one significant drawback – loneliness.
Eugene Onegin
Author: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Genre: novel in verses
Litres rating: 4,7 of 5
• Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote another world-changing book that everyone should read. Eugene Onegin is a novel in poetic form that tells about love, squeezed into the fetters of the imposed values and stereotypes of Tsarist Russia.
• The protagonist of the work is a young nobleman who survived the death of his father, but inherited the estate of his uncle. Eugene falls in love with his complete opposite – Tatyana, whose thoughts are occupied with reflections on foreign literature and loneliness. Moreover, at the time of the acquaintance, the girl had already managed to get married, but young love does not tolerate any barriers.