Ranking of travel sites, the most popular travel sites

• Although now travel portals mainly publish instructions on the topic “How to return money” and “Legal assistance to representatives of the tourism industry in the context of coronavirus”, we believe that travel will soon be!
• Summer will come, the virus will recede, and the tourism industry will recover from the crisis, as it has done more than once. This moment is worth meeting fully armed so as not to miss the best offers. Therefore, we publish for you a selection of the most popular tourist sites according to Yandex.Radar.
10. National Geographic Russia
• The real heavyweight opens the list – the online version of National Geographic magazine. For more than a hundred years, the magazine has been telling and showing people around the world how their brothers live on the other side of the Earth. It was National Geographic that made large, colorful photographs the standard for geographic magazines of all sizes.
• And now you can admire the views from all over the world on the magazine's website, nat-geo.ru. In addition to the articles themselves (although the latest of them are available only by subscription, however, there is something to see for free), the site also regularly holds contests, and also has its own photo club, where those who wish can share their photos.
• If the tenth place in the rating sings an ode to the beauty of the Earth, then visasam.ru is a resource of a purely practical nature.
- Reluctance to pay intermediaries?
- Annoying travel agents and agencies?
- When you look at the guides, yawns attack, and the guides – disgust?
• Then you are most dear to visasam.ru. It is there that you can find out from experienced travelers who have traveled more than one hundred kilometers around the globe, where it is better to go and what is better to watch. And how not to overpay.
• In addition to the tourist exchange of experience, on the site you can also find out the latest information about the migration legislation of different countries, and how to quickly move to another country for permanent residence and join the orderly ranks of its citizens.
8. We will tell!
• This is a bright and modern infotainment travel portal that is very convenient to view on a smartphone.
• It is full of articles on where to go and what to see, supplemented by purely practical advice. For example, how is it easier and cheaper to get to a place of rest. Or how to complete all the required documents and not go crazy.
• Given the trend of the times, in addition to purely tourist news, the site has acquired two new sections. The first is about the coronavirus, the second is about the global crisis. And if you want to take a break from the gloomy, there is a heading "Celebrities" for this.
• Tripadvisor is one of the largest multilingual travel portals on the internet. On it you can find a tour, book a hotel room and air tickets, as well as see the opinion of those who have already used the services provided.
• The feedback base is one of the most valuable features of the site. To date, Tripadvisor has accumulated over 760 million reviews, both positive and negative.
• According to company employees, tour operators cannot influence user reviews. Therefore, reviews, even the most negative ones, are not deleted from the site. And the portal itself does not give preference to anyone – neither beginners, nor old-timers, neither rich nor poor. The company has developed its own algorithms that calculate false reviews, and is considered a specialist in this field.
Tired of comparing prices on different websites? Then you should look at Aviasales – the most popular cheap flight website, which specializes in ordering plane tickets online.
• In addition to information about flights, the site has a very convenient filter system, with which you can easily find your dream flight ticket. If you familiarize yourself with the functionality of the site in detail, this is literally a matter of 30 seconds. Moreover, all actions on Aviasales can be performed completely free of charge.
• Moreover, promotions are regularly held on the site, thanks to which you can get a significant discount on flights.
5. Subtleties of tourism
• One of the best Russian travel sites positions itself as a kind of guide for travelers. On it you can find a lot of information about different countries, ranging from a list of resorts and hotels to detailed instructions on the easiest way to get from the airport to your holiday destination.
• And there are all sorts of useful little things on the “Tourism Subtleties”, like the time zone, weather, visa procedures, information on where to rent cars and find wi-fi, as well as a list of useful phones. Over the years of the site's existence, it has accumulated a significant database of information and shares it free of charge with everyone.
4. Tourist
• A tourist is a unique phenomenon in its own way. This is not just a good site about tourism, but an extensive social network where everyone can tell and show their trip. Stories, opinions, reviews, photos, videos – all this can be found on the site. And also to chat with experienced travelers, get advice or advice, and even find friends and have a good time offline with them.
• In addition to creativity, visitors to the site can also use their own cashback program "Touristera", participate in contests and events. For activity, portal participants receive bonus points, which can then be spent with benefit and pleasantness for the soul.
3. Booking.com
• The top three in the selection of the best travel sites opens Booking.com. It once started out as a modest start-up in the country of tulips, and after a quarter of a century it has turned into a world-famous tourist giant.
• The main mission of the portal is to make sure that anyone can travel wherever they want, and when they want. And without intermediaries! On it you can find a place to stay, in any country in the world, and even rent a car from the airport to the stopping point. And if problems arise, the XNUMX/XNUMX support team is ready to answer all your questions.
• Does not leave Booking.com its attention and tour operators. The company helps young tourism start-ups get on their feet, has launched a mentorship system for those making their first steps in the world of tourism, and also provides grants to especially promising projects.
• The second participant in the top 10 sites dedicated to tourism has been on the market for over 15 years. On it you can find and book tours, tickets and cruises, read a guidebook, get help in obtaining visas and find out what the weather is like on your favorite beach somewhere on the Indian Ocean. Also on the site there is a package of services for operators and companies – from contract templates to samples of pennants and certificates.
• But the main distinguishing feature of Tourprom is a constantly updated news feed about events in the world of tourism business, both and abroad. The portal also regularly publishes analytical articles on the latest trends in the industry.
• Tourprom employees themselves are proud that they provide only truthful and unbiased information, which they collect themselves thanks to established contacts in the tourism business.
1. Tutu.ru
• Over the past month, tutu.ru was visited by 6 to 9 million users. This is perhaps the most popular site in Runet, where you can book tickets for trains, planes and buses, take care of a hotel room in advance, find out exchange rates, tariffs and timetables for various types of transport. And all this can be done without leaving your own apartment or office.
• This kind of service is provided by many travel aggregators and online ticket orderers, however, tutu.ru compares favorably with the presence of the following features:
- carrier rating system. One glance is enough to determine whether to contact this company or not.
- The speed of information processing – now it takes about 5-7 minutes to buy (with payment!) A ticket.
- A high level of site security – your data is guaranteed not to fall into the hands of intruders.
- Convenient ticket return system directly on the site.
- Round the clock support system.
- Thoughtful and convenient mobile application.
• We hope that our selection was useful for you, and the trip will be pleasant and exciting.