The most failed films, Forbes rating

• I want to watch some films several times, and even show them to children and grandchildren, so that they know what a good movie is. But there are other paintings that can be safely called the "failure of the year." It was the list of such “losers” that Forbes magazine prepared.
• We present you the ranking of the most failed films in terms of box office. It only includes films that have been shown in more than 2000 theaters.
rating of the best films .
10. "Instigators"
- Spent on creation: 25 million dollars.
- Fees: $22 million.
This is not the worst comedy, although it ended up on the list of failed films. As Natalie Robehmed of Forbes pointed out, not all films fail just because they are bad. Some of the top 10 contestants were well received by critics but found themselves underdogs in the film world for a variety of reasons, be it marketing, release date, poor audience reviews, or a combination of several factors.
9. Snowden
- Spent on creation: 40 million dollars.
- Fees: $34,3 million.
The case when the film was favorably received by critics and without much enthusiasm by the audience. Oliver Stone's tape tells the story of a brave CIA and NSA officer who was not afraid to open the eyes of the public to the total surveillance of the stronghold of democracy for his partners. It is based on real events, with minor fictional "inserts". But for a spy thriller, it has a lot of melodrama, and for those who wanted to know more about Snowden, the film has a lot of well-known moments.
8. Grimsby Brothers
- Spent on creation: 35 million dollars.
- Fees: $28,7 million.
The biggest box office failure of films starring Sacha Baron Cohen. A comedy about two brothers – a special agent and not too (to put it mildly) smart football fan. Together they have to save the planet from the impending threat. A difficult task, because they failed to save the film.
7. "Reporter"
- Spent on creation: 35 million dollars.
- Fees: $25 million.
An employee of the famous TV channel Kim Baker goes to Afghanistan and covers the events taking place there for five years. The beginning of her trip coincides with the entry of US-led coalition troops into Afghanistan. The filmmakers tried to mix comedy and drama, resulting in a "dish" that was not to the taste of all viewers.
6. Spies Next Door
- Spent on creation: 40 million dollars.
- Fees: $27 million.
Unmemorable tracks, mediocre performance by Isla Fisher, a small number of good jokes, a banal plot. The shooting scenes, again, are so-so. And this is not the whole set of claims that have arisen from the audience.
5 Ratchet & Clank: Galaxy Rangers
- Spent on creation: 20 million dollars.
- Fees: $11,8 million.
Worst cartoon based on a video game series. However, the situation with his popularity is much worse than that of the "source". The graphics are average, the plot is banal, many jokes are not funny. The villain wants to conquer the world, the funny eared mechanic Ratchet, who became a galactic ranger, must save the world with his company. A film from the category of "look and immediately forgot."
4. "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"
- Spent on creation: 28 million dollars.
- Fees: $16,4 million.
Famous cast, beauties, black humor, zombies. All the makings to "fly up" to the heights of the box office. Why did the public dislike the film? The transitions between the genres of "horror", "romanticism", "comedy" and "action" are made quite rough, and therefore the contrast between them is very noticeable. And the zombies set off the main plot action more than they really scare.
3. "Pop Star: Don't Stop, Don't Stop"
- Spent on creation: 20 million dollars.
- Fees: $9,5 million.
“Stop and stop” is how the audience would say, voting with money against this comedy musical about three friends who created the successful group “The Style Boyz”.
2. "Free State of Jones"
- Spent on creation: 50 million dollars.
- Fees: $23 million.
A tape in which Matthew McConaughey acts as a participant in the American Civil War. The movie is based on real events and touches on sensitive topics for many Americans, including the relationship of blacks and whites, planters and the poor, blacks and freedom. For all its merits, the film is quite monotonous and there are few spectacular moments in it.
1. "Max Steel"
- Spent on creation: 10,4 million dollars.
- Fees: $4,4 million.
Fantastic superhero film based on the animated series about a guy gifted with great turbo power. But it turned out that in the movie universe there are already enough charismatic and not so superheroes, and with much more respectable and vivid biographies. And the teenagers, for whom the film is designed, already have someone to look up to. So "Max Steel" is called the most failed film, and it is hardly the fault of the audience.