100 richest people in the world 2019, Forbes list of billionaires

No one is protected from adversity, even the wealthiest people. It is not the delinquency of loans or the deprivation of salaries that threaten them, but the vicissitudes of the market and fluctuations in prices on the stock exchange. That's list of richest people in the world 2019, annually compiled by Forbes magazine, has decreased in number by 55 billionaires.
• Of the remaining 46% lost in income, and the total value of all the rich has decreased by 400 billion. Only the United States, where the number of billionaires not only did not decrease, but even increased, was not affected by the changes. Apparently, the air of this country has a beneficial effect on capital growth, and most of the richest people live there.
Forbes 100 richest people in the world 2019
Place | Billionaire |
1 | Jeff Bezos & family |
2 | Bill Gates |
3 | Warren Buffett |
4 | Bernard Arnault & family |
5 | Carlos Slim Helu & family |
6 | Amancio Ortega |
7 | Larry Ellison |
8 | Mark Zuckerberg |
9 | Michael Bloomberg |
10 | Larry Page |
11 | Charles Koch |
12 | David Koch |
13 | Mukesh Ambani |
14 | Sergey Brin |
15 | Francoise Bettencourt Meyers & family |
16 | Jim walton |
17 | Alice Walton |
18 | Rob Walton |
19 | Steve Ballmer |
20 | Ma Huateng |
21 | Jack Ma |
22 | Hui Ka Yan |
23 | Beate Heister & Karl Albrecht Jr. |
24 | Sheldon Adelson |
25 | Michael Dell |
26 | Phil Knight & family |
27 | David Thomson & family |
28 | Li Ka-shing |
29 | Lee Shau Kee |
30 | Francois Pinault & family |
31 | Joseph Safra |
32 | Leonid Mikhelson |
33 | Jacqueline Mars |
34 | John Mars |
35 | Jorge Paulo Lemann & family |
36 | Azim Premji |
37 | Dieter schwarz |
38 | Wang Jianlin |
39 | John Ferrero |
40 | Elon Musk |
41 | Tadashi Yanai & family |
42 | Yang Huiyan |
43 | Masayoshi Son |
44 | Jim simons |
45 | Vladimir Lisin |
46 | Susanne Klatten |
47 | Vagit Alekperov |
48 | Alexey Mordashov |
49 | Gennady Timchenko |
50 | Leonardo Del Vecchio & family |
51 | He Xiangjian |
52 | Rupert Murdoch & family |
53 | Dietrich Mateschitz |
54 | R. Budi Hartono |
55 | Laurene Powell Jobs & family |
56 | Michael Hartono |
57 | Ray Dalio |
58 | Vladimir Potanin |
59 | Len Blavatnik |
60 | Stephen Quandt |
61 | Theo Albrecht, Jr. & family |
62 | Carl Icahn |
63 | Lee Man Tat |
64 | Thomas Peterffy |
65 | Hinduja brothers |
66 | Joseph Lau |
67 | Lee Kun-hee |
68 | Donald Bren |
69 | Takemitsu Takizaki |
70 | Zhang Yiming |
71 | Abigail Johnson |
72 | Stefan Persson |
73 | Peter Kellner |
74 | Iris Fontbona & family |
75 | Dhanin Chearavanont |
76 | Gina Rinehart |
77 | Lucas Walton |
78 | Kwong Siu-hing |
79 | Mikhail Fridman |
80 | Pallonji Mistry |
81 | William ding |
82 | leonard lauder |
83 | Lui Che Woo & family |
84 | Shiv Nadar |
85 | Alain Wertheimer |
86 | Gerard Wertheimer |
87 | Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi |
88 | Emmanuel Besnier |
89 | Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken & family |
90 | Andrei Melnichenko |
91 | Li Shufu |
92 | Lakshmi mittal |
93 | Heinz Hermann Thiele & family |
94 | Colin Huang |
95 | Hasso Plattner & family |
96 | Dietmar Hopp & family |
97 | Georg Schaeffler |
98 | German Larrea Mota Velasco & family |
99 | Zhang Zhidong |
100 | Stephen schwarzman |
Top 10 richest people in the world 2019
10. Larry Page
• Opening the list of the ten richest and most influential people in the world is the creator of the all-knowing Google, which brings the creators more than $ 100 billion every year. Alphabet (as the company is now called after a restructuring three years ago) has about 60 employees who work in fifty countries around the world.
• Larry himself never turned into a toothy businessman completely and remained to some extent an idealist. In early 2000, he launched a corporate war to reduce the managerial layer, but lost and was fired from his post as CEO. Which, however, triumphantly returned ten years later.
9. Michael Bloomberg
• Did Michael know in 1981, when he invested all his money in the Bloomberg LP media holding, that he would eventually become one of the richest people according to Forbes? He probably had some kind of premonition (or at least hope) he had.
• Bloomberg currently owns almost 90% of the company, which brings in 9 billion a year. The businessman is no stranger to political ambitions – he is ready to spend at least $ 500 million to prevent Donald Trump from winning the next election.
8. Mark Zuckerberg
• The largest social network in the world, Facebook, began very modestly. Then a 19-year-old student Zuckerberg created it in 2004 to make it easier for fellow students to get to know each other. Eight years later, the "Litsokniga" became public. And six years later, Mark had to appear before the US Congress, where he explained how the data of 50 million users suddenly appeared at the disposal of a consulting firm.
• In addition, Facebook has been criticized a lot for its unhealthy atmosphere: the rampant distribution of fake news, bullying and abuse. Perhaps that's why (and also because of the unleashed media war against George Soros) Zuckerberg lost almost $ 9 billion last year, thus dropping three places in the ranking of the richest people on the planet in 2019.
7. Larry Ellison
• The founding father of Oracle, one of the largest server and software vendors, although he left the post of CEO of the company, is still on the board of directors. He also holds the position of chief engineer.
• In total, Ellison ran the Oracle for 37 years (and amassed a multi-billion dollar fortune during this time). Now he's turned his attention to Tesla, buying $3 million worth of stock in December and joining the board of directors as a result. And in his spare time, the businessman is trying to create a model of an ideal future on a single Hawaiian island, the purchase of which cost him $ 600 million.
6. Amancio Ortega
• One of the richest people in Europe dresses this very Europe. And not only her. A long time ago, back in 1975, Ortega decided to bet on the so-called. "fast fashion", when the collections of one brand are updated several times a season and always meet the latest fashion trends.
• The Inditex company founded by him is known to Russian-speaking customers for one of the most popular brands – Zara. In addition to her and other Spanish fashion brands, Ortega has more than seven thousand clothing stores around the world. Ortega dumps cash surpluses into real estate, buying houses in Spain, England and the USA.
5. Carlos Slim Elu
• This is the only Mexican in the top 10 richest billionaires according to Forbes. The foundation of his fortune was laid more than a quarter of a century ago, when Carlos, with the support of foreign investors, bought out a stake in Mexico's only telephone company, Telmex.
• And now Elu owns the largest mobile phone company not only in the country of sombreros, guitars and cacti, but throughout Latin America. But his interests are not limited to telecommunications alone: he owns shares in mining companies, in the service sector, sells real estate and owns a 17% stake in the New York Times. And at his leisure, he collects art objects that anyone can personally see during the hours open to the public in a museum in Mexico City.
4. Bernard Arnault
• A true Frenchman in the realm of American billionaires, he achieved his honorable fourth place in the "golden" list, trading in accessories and cosmetics. He owns a fashion empire, which includes about 70 brands, including such famous ones as Louis Vitton and Sephora.
• Surprisingly, even against the backdrop of the global crisis, people continue to actively buy luxury accessories. In 2018, fashion titan LVMH broke all previous records. However, evil tongues hint that this happened mostly due to entering the Chinese market. Even oriental beauties could not resist the charm of leather bags with the world-famous monogram.
3. Warren buffett
• Buffett made his name (and billions) in the investment market. He has such an amazing eye for profit that even experienced financiers are delighted. For his almost supernatural intuition, Warren earned the nickname "Oracle of Omaha".
• Now Buffett manages the Berkshire Hathaway holding, which owns more than fifty companies. Remember the clockwork hare with the drum that "works and works"? Yes, Duracell is also in Warren's possession.
• As he ages (the businessman is already 88 years old), he increasingly thinks about the soul and even donated $ 3,4 billion to charity. He also, along with second-ranked Bill Gates, launched a campaign calling for billionaires to voluntarily part with half of their fortune. And he himself promised to distribute 99% of his good, which for eight years now people have been impatiently waiting for.
2. Bill Gates
• Every person who owns a personal computer is familiar with the image of "color windows". The Windows operating system continues to reign supreme in the software field. True, the founding father of Microsoft decided to retire, and although formally still remains on the board of directors of the company, he sold or donated most of his shares to charitable purposes.
• Gates is now the most generous philanthropist in the world. Together with his wife, he manages the largest charitable foundation (to which he has already managed to donate Microsoft shares in the amount of 35,8 billion dollars). But Gates is not famous for mercy alone. Two years ago, he decided to go into investment and, together with twenty other rich people, opened the Breakthrough Energy investment fund, which has a capital of $ 1 billion.
1. Jeff bezos
• And here is the answer to the question “who is the richest person in the world in 2019” It was this billionaire who once created the giant Amazon trading network. At that time, the servers of the current leader in online trading were quietly placed in the creator's garage.
• Until now, Bezos is the CEO of the company and owns 16% of its shares. Amazon's revenue for the past year was $230 billion, and net profit was more than three times higher than the result. In addition to this trading giant, the richest man in the world owns The Washington Post and runs Blue Origin, which develops spacecraft for commercial use.
• True, the status of the king of the mountain from crispy green papers may soon be shaken due to Jeff's upcoming divorce. Indeed, according to the laws that exist in the state of Washington, a spouse can claim half of Bezos' fortune (which will automatically make her the richest woman in the world).
The richest woman in the world
Betancourt Meyers
• The top 10 richest people in the world in 2019 are all men, but what about the beautiful half of humanity? Alas, the richest woman in the world is only in 15th place in the general list. This place is occupied by Betancourt Meyers, the heiress of L'Oreal capital (it was her grandfather who founded the company at the beginning of the XNUMXth century).
• The company is doing very well – its profit for the past year broke all records of the previous decade, and total revenue was $ 30,6 billion. Accordingly, Betancourt's wealth also increased (by $7,1 billion, or 17%). The cosmetics giant owes such a big jump in profits to entering the Chinese market, which now overtakes even North America in terms of sales.