Important changes in laws from January 1, 2023

• New Year's fireworks have died down, the delicacies “do not touch, this is for the New Year” have been eaten, and it's time to find out how to live on. What is preparing for us, ordinary Russians, the year of the Rabbit? I will tell you in this review of the main changes in legislation in 2023.
11. Combining the PFR and the FSS
• These two funds "merged" into a single structure called the Social Fund of Russia (SFR). The goals of such a merger are cost optimization and the need for global digitalization.
• What does this event mean for the layman?
- The SFR will calculate pensions and seniority.
- Applications already submitted to the FIU and the FSS will be considered on time.
- Pension and other payments will be received on previously set dates.
- The method of delivery of the pension will also not change.
- Pension coefficients and savings remain in effect.
- The personal account of the PFR will continue to work. In the future, it will be possible to apply for support measures to the SFR directly through the State Services portal.
• In fact, the merger of the PFR and the FSS will affect employers to a greater extent than workers and pensioners.
10. New state duties for car owners
• Permission to make changes to the design of the machine will cost a thousand rubles.
• If you need a certificate of approval of a vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods, get ready to part with 1500 rubles. But the renewal of this certificate will cost less – only a thousand rubles.
9. The cost of living will rise
• It will not work to show off, it will increase by only 3,3%. For able-bodied citizens, it will amount to 15 rubles, pensioners – 669 rubles, and for children – 12 rubles. The federal cost of living will be 363 rubles.
8. The minimum wage will increase
• Now it will be 16 rubles. This is 242% more than in the previous year (6,3 rubles). But the unemployment benefit will not change, its minimum amount will be 15 rubles, the maximum – 279 rubles.
7. Unified allowance for low-income families with children and pregnant women
• Another significant change in the laws from January 1, 2023 will be the accrual of a universal benefit for low-income parents with children under 17 and women with low incomes who are registered for pregnancy for up to 12 weeks.
• To receive benefits, you must submit an application to the SFR. The amount of this social assistance will be 50% -100% of the subsistence minimum – it depends on the family income. Before the allowance is approved or denied, a comprehensive means test will be carried out on the applicant, both bank deposits and family property will be taken into account.
6. New work books will appear
• The books of the new sample will have 14 spreads for information about the work and 12 spreads in the insert. There will also be 7 spreads in the employee reward or promotion section (now there are 5), and the same number in the inserts section (now there are 8).
• At the same time, old work books will be valid and unlimited.
5. Cancellation of the state duty discount
• If earlier, when paying state duties through the State Services website, it was possible to get a 30% discount, then from the new year it was canceled and there are no plans to extend it in the near future. But a 50% discount on the payment of traffic police fines within 20 days after the decision is made will remain.
4. New rules for writing off debts for traffic police fines
• There will be no more paperwork, all fines will be debited from the debtor's bank account or card.
3. Single tax payment
• From January 1, 2023, both ordinary citizens and organizations and entrepreneurs will have to pay taxes and contributions with a single payment order. This will prevent the taxpayer from having debts for some taxes and overpayments for others.
The money will go to the payer's single tax account. "The tax service itself will then distribute these amounts according to their intended purpose, based on the data on the payer's accruals: first, the debt will be closed, starting with the tax with an earlier payment deadline, then the accruals with the current payment deadline, and the last – penalties, interest and fines. If the payment terms coincide, then the EPP will be distributed in proportion to the amount of obligations", – reports the Federal Tax Service.
2. Revision of the cadastral value of apartments
• In 2023, a revision of the cadastral value of buildings, premises and parking spaces is coming across the country at the same time. You can follow the information about this through the Rosreestr website.
• Those who do not agree with the cadastral valuation will first have to apply to the state budgetary institution (GBU), which carried it out. And if there is no way to resolve the case in their favor, it will be possible to go to court.
1. Alcohol and tobacco will rise in price
• One of the most important changesn legislation since the beginning of 2023 is associated with an increase in excise taxes on tobacco products and alcohol. They will grow slightly – by 3-4%. For example, for cigarettes and cigarettes, the excise rate will increase from 3333 rubles to 3467 rubles per 1000 pieces.
• Of course, an increase in excise taxes entails an increase in the price of excisable goods.