The most drinking countries in the world, ranking

• Russia entered the top ten most drinking countries in the world. But it did not lead it, but shared seventh place with Hungary with an indicator of 11,1 liters of alcoholic beverages per capita per year. And only slightly ahead of Germany, in which each inhabitant annually accounts for 10,9 liters of alcohol consumed.
These data are presented in the November published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
• The report is based on 2017 liquor sales in 44 countries.
• We present you a complete rating of the most drinking countries in the world.
In Russia they still drink, but less
• In 2007, our country was the leader in alcohol consumption per capita. Therefore, the Ministry of Health only rejoiced at the OECD study, and stated that it underlines the effectiveness of the measures taken by the Russian authorities to combat alcoholism among the population.
• And the press service of the Ministry of Health noted that OECD experts worked with data for 2017. But if they used the statistics of the past, Russia would not have ended up in the “drinking” top 10 at all. After all, last year one Russian had only 9.3 liters of alcohol.
According to the WHO, the picture also looks encouraging. From 2003 to 2018, male mortality from alcohol decreased to 39%, and female – to 36%. In addition, the consumption of alcohol produced not under the sensitive sovereign eye, but illegally, has decreased by 48%.
The most non-drinking countries in the world
According to Health at a Glance, Indonesians drink the least (0,3 liters per person per year) and Turkey (1,4 liters).
• Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country, lags behind its ASEAN peers in areas such as exports, FDI attraction, tourist numbers, education, innovation and research. But there is one area where Indonesia is dominant. It is the most sober country in Southeast Asia.
• Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population in the world, consumes the least amount of alcohol in Southeast Asia, while its residents drink less than one bottle of wine per year on average.
Beer, one of the oldest and most consumed beverages in the world after water and tea, is the most popular alcoholic beverage in Indonesia.
• If you are going on vacation to Indonesia, please note that huge duties are added to imported alcohol sold in shops and restaurants. This means that you will be hard-pressed to find inexpensive imported wine or gin even in a popular tourist destination like Bali. So stock up in advance in duty free.
• As a result of the introduction of additional taxes in 2019, Turkey became one of the countries with the most expensive alcoholic beverages in the world. Even if prices are taken into account, Turkey is one of the five countries in Europe with the most expensive alcohol. It's funny that you can buy Turkish raki vodka abroad at a much lower price than in Turkey.
• However, the country does not have such strict restrictions on the sale of alcohol as in Indonesia. Those over the age of 18 can buy all kinds of alcoholic drinks in many supermarkets in all parts of Turkey. The only restriction on alcoholic beverages is a ban on their sale in supermarkets after 22:XNUMX.
The most drinking countries
Lithuania turned out to be the country where the most "laid by the collar" turned out to be. There people consume 12,3 liters per year.
• The capital of the country, Vilnius is a popular tourist destination, but locals doubt that this circumstance is to blame for the rampage of the green serpent.
• “The problem of alcoholism in the capital is not that big,” says journalist Zivile Raskauskaitė. "It's more (a problem) in rural areas where people are unemployed and have nothing to do in their free time." The commission of the Lithuanian Business Confederation agrees with this opinion, which found out that there are almost twice as many people suffering from alcoholism in the rural areas of Lithuania than in the cities.
Not far from the Lithuanians, the Austrians also left – residents of one of richest and most prosperous countries in the world. The average Austrian, according to OECD experts, consumes 11,8 liters of hot liquids per year. In third place are the French (11,7 liters), they are not far behind the Czechs (11,6 liters) and the inhabitants of tiny Luxembourg (11,3 liters).