Top 10 best cookbooks in the world

• Despite the abundance of recipes for various dishes on the Internet, cookbooks do not lose popularity. Especially valuable are those publications to which you can return every day.
It is these folios that are included in today's Top 10 best cookbooks in the world. Notably, some of the books were first published 100 years ago.
10 Larousse Gastronomique
The first edition of the gastronomic encyclopedia dates back to 1938. At first, Larousse Gastronomique included exclusively French cuisine. Today, the multivolume is dedicated to European cuisine in general. The Russian-language version includes 8 volumes, each of which costs more than 2.
9. The good cook
There are 28 volumes in this series of English-language cookbooks. The Russian version includes 9 books devoted to bread-making, fruits, wines, meat, poultry and dishes from cereals, pasta and legumes. The cost of each volume is about 650 rubles.
8. How to cook everything, Mark Bittman
This book by Mark Bittman is considered the main culinary guide for American housewives. The name of the publication is translated "How to cook everything." Unfortunately, “How to cook” was not publishedn, but its English version is very popular even among our compatriots.
7. Jamie's Kitchen, Jamie Oliver
Jamie Oliver's books are extremely popular all over the world. Jamie's Kitchen has been translated into 28 languages and published in 40 countries., "Jamie's Kitchen" is sold at a price of about 1100 rubles.
6. On food and cooking, Harold McGee
Surprisingly, this book is one of the favorites of many chefs, although not a single recipe can be found in it. The publication describes in detail the processes that occur with one or another product during the preparation process. Author Harold McGee is considered the godfather of the now popular molecular cuisine. Although there is no Russian translation of the book, the English version is successfully sold, for example, on
5. Simple art, Shizuo Tsuji
The Russian translation of this book by the Japanese Shizuo Tsuji was called "Refined Simplicity". The author is the world's most respected connoisseur of Japanese cuisine. Therefore, the book gives an idea of both the preparation of food and the rituals associated with serving. The Russian edition costs about 1500 rubles.
4. How to Cook, Delia Smith
Delia Smith has written three books on cooking eggs, pasta, bread, pastries, meats, fruits, and more. Two out of three books have been published. "How to cook ..." is an excellent guide for novice housewives, because. The basics of cooking different dishes are set out simply and clearly. The price of each book by Delia Smith is about 400 rubles.
3. The Book of Jewish Food, Claudia Roden
Rhoden has been writing a book about Jewish food for over 10 years. The result is such a comprehensive publication that The Guardian in 2013 included the book in the top ten most important culinary guides in the world. It is noteworthy that all recipes are completely authentic, i.e. the author does not allow any simplification of the process of preparation and substitution of ingredients.
2. Practical foundations of culinary art, Pelageya Alexandrova-Ignatieva
Published in 1927, the book has recently experienced a second birth. The publication contains recipes of both native Russian and many other dishes. The book describes various ways of processing products, even schemes for cutting meat and fish, as well as a description of the cooking process, both familiar to us and almost forgotten dishes.
1. Gift for young housewives, Elena Molokhovets
First published in 1861, the book has gone through many reincarnations. Among the recipes described in the book are simple soups, appetizers, side dishes, as well as complex dishes such as suckling pig and crayfish pate. Modern publishers are actively publishing individual excerpts from the original book.