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Home Cars Top 10 tips for choosing a CASCO insurer

Top 10 tips for choosing a CASCO insurer

Top 10 tips for choosing a CASCO insurer

CASCO insurance – it's a pretty tricky one. For example, OSAGO has a base rate and correction factors. But with CASCO, where there are many more parameters for choosing a suitable insurance product, choosing an insurance company is often much more difficult. Therefore, unlike OSAGO, for CASCO such a rating will be very relevant.


There are many such ratings on the Internet, and compiled for a variety of reasons. Someone makes up insurer ratings according to their gross income, someone – according to the opinions of policyholders, someone uses several bases and issues a comprehensive rating.

  •  In the sense that do not consider them the ultimate truth. To study the ratings, of course, makes sense. Sometimes ratings are compiled objectively, but sometimes they are based on someone's specific interests. So be careful and critical.

  •  There is some serious work to be done here. It is necessary for each pre-selected insurer to collect as much information as possible, issued by the insurers. And try to weed out emotions when studying reviews – perceive exactly the texture. And study reviews for specific situations that you think might happen to you.

  •  Again: do not believe, not because they are all false and bad. But two factors must be taken into account. The first is purely psychological: most people would rather write about what upset them than about something joyful. It's just the way a person is. However, critical reviews are also taken seriously. The second factor is geographic. An insurance company, of course, can be bad in general, but usually a lot depends on a particular unit, its team and the procedures established there. Look for reviews specifically about those divisions of insurers where you are going to insure.

  •  In fact, this is a continuation of paragraph 7. Ask your friends about how and where exactly they were insured under CASCO, what suits them or does not suit them in the insurer. This is closer to reality.

  •  In the sense that they could choose a policy solely on the cost factor. But we are interested in something else!

  •  Namely: read and analyze the insurance risks indicated in it, the size and type of deductible, the reasons for the refusal to pay insurance compensation, etc. Otherwise, no matter how tempting the results that the CASCO calculator will give out look, in the event of an insured event, you can get nothing at all or get some pennies.

  •  And again – it's not that you don't believe it at all. But in addition to the CASCO insurance policy itself, each insurance company has its own insurance rules and an insurance program. And their conditions can be much more stringent than the conditions specified in the policy! The policy always contains references to these documents, but almost no one reads them. And very wrong.

  •  The CASCO calculator is a very handy thing that is easy to use. There are many of them on the Internet, there are also universal calculators that calculate several insurance companies at once.

  •  Even the insurance companies themselves sometimes write on their websites that the final value given by the CASCO calculator is approximate, indicative. In fact, albeit small, but a difference with real numbers can form.

  •  It just so happened that all the tips given in the even points of our rating will really help you in choosing the CASCO tariff. And odd items will remind you that this choice must be made on the basis of a comprehensive study of information. After all, your case is always unique.