Results and expectations from 2023 for Russians – data from VTsIOM

o laws and innovations that await Russians in 2022 we have already written. And what do the Russians themselves expect from 2023? And how do they remember the past year?
• The answers to these questions were found by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) through a telephone survey, in which 1600 people took part. Also, when studying expectations from 2023, a study conducted by Gallup IA, an American institute that studies public opinion, was taken into account.
Major events in the world
• Most Russians remember the past year mainly for three things:
- coronavirus pandemic (39% said it),
- inflation and rising prices (37%),
- mass vaccination against coronavirus (this event was mentioned by 35% of respondents).
Major events nationwide
• The Russian government is so actively fighting the coronavirus that 21% of those polled by VTsIOM noted this. Another 8% remembered the elections to the State Duma, in which United Russia won.
Major victories for Russia
- 7% of respondents are proud of the victories of Russian athletes at the Olympics and the Paralympics in Tokyo.
- The fact that Russia successfully counters the COVID-19 pandemic was mentioned by 5% of respondents.
- Another 3% of respondents remembered the achievements of domestic figure skaters and tennis players.
- According to 3% of the respondents, among the high-profile victories of Russia, they named the winnings of our athletes and the successful completion of the Nord Stream-2 project.
Three main words
- coronavirus (this word was named by 38% of respondents),
- price increase (34% of respondents),
- QR codes (28% of respondents).
The best series and films
• Most of all, Russians love old cinema (7% preferred it). From modern films and television series were named:
- "Next" (3%),
- "Vertinsky" (3%),
- "Secrets of the investigation" (3%),
- "Dune" (2%),
- "Sky" (2%).
How 2021 is perceived
• The majority of Russians – namely 77% – found the past year difficult and difficult. Only for 11% it was good and successful.
• For 37% of VTsIOM respondents, 2021 turned out to be worse than expected, and 49% perceived it exactly as they expected. And 12% thought 2021 was better than they expected.
What do Russians expect from 2023?
• First of all, change for the better. The index of personal expectations was 44 points.
- To find out, VTsIOM experts asked the respondents the following questions: “What do you expect from the next year for you and your family personally?” and “What do you expect from the next year for Russia as a whole?”.
- And the index was formed from the difference between positive and negative assessments, and its value can be from minus 100 to 100. The higher the index, the more positive a person's expectations of the future.
• From the country in particular and the world as a whole, the Russians do not particularly expect anything, judging by the indices (13 points and 5 points, respectively).
• 70% of respondents hope for something good in 2022 for themselves personally, 52% are counting on something good for Russia, and 46% "swung" on a good year for the whole world.
• According to Gallup IA, only 2022% of Russians hope for economic prosperity in 11, while 55% of respondents expect economic difficulties. Another 24% do not expect changes in the economy, and 12% found it difficult to answer.
What will Russians do during the New Year holidays of 2023
- Of course, to celebrate the New Year (so answered 90% of Russians).
- Orthodox Christmas (January 7) will be celebrated by 72% of respondents.
- The Old New Year (from January 13 to 14) is not forgotten either, 50% of respondents plan to celebrate it.
• Given the widespread coronavirus restrictions, and the crisis in the labor market (especially in the field of small and medium-sized businesses), it is not surprising that 71% of Russians do not plan to travel on New Year's holidays.
• But 25% of respondents said that they cherish plans to go to another city or village.
• And only 1% of those surveyed by VTsIOM intend to spend the New Year holidays abroad.
What will the Russians give for the New Year 2022
• Sweets, alcohol and delicacies (30%) come to the fore. It's funny that only 8% of respondents would like to receive such a gift.
• A quarter of the respondents plan to put toys under the Christmas tree, and 18% of the respondents voted for money and souvenirs. Perfumes and cosmetics are also popular, they will be presented by 17% of Russians.
• But 10% of respondents said they would not give gifts.
What do Russians dream of getting for the New Year?
- No need for perfumes and sweets, give money – this is the desire of 16% of respondents.
- 15% of those surveyed would not refuse a holiday voucher.
- 11% want to receive a smartphone as a gift.
• 15% of Russians are ready to refuse a New Year's gift.
What will Russians do during the New Year holidays?
• 26% of respondents plan to enjoy their holidays on their favorite couch. But there are slightly more lovers of outdoor recreation – 33%.
• 28% of Russians believe that “whoever visits on New Year's Eve acts wisely”. Active recreation – skating, skiing and sledding – was preferred by 29% of respondents.
• The share of those who, even on New Year's Eve, have no time to rest and have to work was 22%. And even fewer of those who go on a country trip or to the country (16%).