Best Selling Love Books 2020

• Romance novels are a very popular reading, which is read not only by beautiful ladies, but also by many men. And what kind of love stories do Russians prefer to read, the film channel "Russian Romance" found out.
• His Russian summary top sales of books about love is based on data provided by book chains and online stores.
10. Millionaire's Fortune Teller, Stella Gray
If most of the books on this list are capable of bringing melancholy to the reader or even squeezing out a tear, then The Millionaire's Fortune Teller is a fun, interesting and light read that is designed to quickly lighten the mood.
• In the center of the plot is “a fortuneteller, medium, herbalist, druid, voodoo master” and just a charlatan Sissy, who is known to clients under the pseudonym “Lady Morgana”. One day, a real millionaire named Sebastian appears in her salon of magical services. Having quickly exposed the "fortune teller", he did not refuse her services and instead offered ... to become his bride. Fictitious, of course. But why, and what came of it, you, if you want, will find out for yourself.
9. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
Surprisingly, the book about the tragic love of a married lady and a brilliant officer, first published in 1875-1877, remains in demand to this day.
• This is facilitated by film adaptations that maintain interest in one of the most worthy representatives of Russian classics, and the plot of the work itself, which subtly and accurately describes the hopes, doubts and prejudices of people in the 19th century. And if you were forced to read Anna Karenina at school and you didn't enjoy it, try going back to reading now. You may look at this book differently.
8. “When I return, be at home”, Elchin Safarli
This popular romance novel consists entirely of letters from a father to his daughter. The volume of each chapter is small, they are easy to read, and the title of each of them contains a quote that can be applied in life (or you can post it on social networks, collecting a crop of likes).
• In the reviews, Russian readers recommend picking up this book when there is not enough peace of mind, the right words and the right thoughts. It helps not to lose faith in the best and remember that we should rejoice in the little things that surround us.
7. Paper Princess, Erin Watt
The seventh place in the list of the best-selling love books in 2020 is occupied by a youth novel, which lovingly describes erotic scenes and reveals the relationship between fathers and children. But not Russian, but foreign, since the authors of the book are two American writers at once, working under the same pseudonym.
• The main character Ella, by the will of fate, inherited a huge fortune and is now forced to plunge headlong into the life of rich teenagers. But the big family of her father's friend, in which she ended up, does not feel the slightest sympathy for the girl, suspecting her that she is another freeloader who wants to get a lot of money from their father.
6. "A meter apart", Lippincott R., Daughtry M., Iakonis T.
The touching love story of two young people, Stella and Will, is not only one of the most popular, but also a very unusual love story. The main characters are sick, and they should not approach each other closer than one meter. Agree, this is a serious obstacle to the development of tender feelings.
• The book raises such important issues as the value of life, the relationship of fathers and children, as well as the consequences of wish fulfillment.
• And after reading the book, you can check if your ideas about the main characters coincided with the vision of Justine Baldoni, the director of the film One Feet Apart, released in 2019.
5. "The Other Side of You", Alex D
This book is marked 18+, and for good reason, because it contains sex scenes and obscene language. And it also contains the turbulent experiences of the failed ballerina Maria, who found herself in a different field, her first love is her half-brother Mark – and an almost ideal man named Dmitry, with whom Maria had an unequal, but great love.
• Some readers describe their impressions of reading "The Other Side of You" as "an emotional swing." And they admit that the first pages of the book seemed boring to them, but then what was happening became very interesting, and remained so until the very end.
4. "My Best Enemy" by Eli Frey
Why are books about teenagers among the most popular love fiction?
• I would venture to suggest that readers like pure and fascinating stories about those who have not yet been spoiled by everyday life, intrigues at work and problems with children. It's nice to go back at least for a while and remember your own first love. But perhaps, dear readers, you have a different opinion on this matter.
• Be that as it may, "My Best Enemy" is just a story about teenagers, the girl Tom and the boy Stas. Their relationship, initially developing as a friendship, turns into its complete opposite due to betrayal.
3. City of Women, Elizabeth Gilbert
"A life-like, deep romance", "interesting characters", "read in one breath" – crumble in the reader's praises in their reviews. "City of Women" is a book-confession, which shows a whole life through the eyes of one heroine.
• In one of the best-selling romance novels, there are a lot of descriptions of debauchery. But perhaps this is also part of its appeal to readers.
2. Normal People, Sally Rooney
This book is sure to enthrall people who love the light language, the reflection on class and psychological issues, and the strange relationships of the main characters.
• In "Normal People" the main acting characters are teenagers – Connell and Marianne. He is handsome and popular with his peers, but a poor guy, she is the heiress of a rich family, a very smart “gray mouse”, humiliated not only by her peers, but also by her relatives. Both of them will have to go through a series of misunderstandings and alienation, try on new types of relationships and learn how to honestly express their thoughts to a partner.
• Based on Rooney's novel, a series of the same name was filmed, Daisy Edgar-Jones played the role of Marianne in it, Paul Mescal played Connell. It was released on Hulu and BBC Three.
1. After, Anna Todd
The list of the most popular books about love was topped by a story about the difficulties of the relationship between the good girl Tess and Hardin, a young man with a dark past. This story is primarily intended for young girls, as the topics raised in it (hanging out, first serious love, first sex) are close and understandable to them.
• By the way, Todd was inspired to create the main character by One Direction member Harry Styles.
• The volume of the book is large enough, so you won’t guess what secret the protagonist hides soon (unless you read “After” diagonally). And if you're too lazy to read, you can always watch the movie "After", filmed in 2019 by director Jenny Gage. Starring Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes-Tiffin.