Anti-rating of OSAGO insurers by the number of complaints – data from the Central Bank

• Not only is the price of OSAGO "biting", but also many insurers are in no hurry to provide quality services.
• In order to protect consumers from such companies, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued an anti-rating of OSAGO insurers based on the number of complaints against 10 customers in the first half of the year. Moreover, only complaints recognized as justified in accordance with the assessment of the Bank of Russia were taken into account.
• The Central Bank does not publish specific complaints, however, there are enough user reviews on, Otzovik, iRecommend and other Runet resources to get a rough idea of a particular insurer.
10. JSC United Insurance Company
Number of complaints per 10 customers – 0,34686.
• This company has a lot of negative reviews on Otzovik and in the People's rating on
• Several complaints are related to the inability to enter the driver in the policy, due to the lack of access to the Personal Account, users also complain about the lack of payments, the lengthy consideration of cases and the poor attitude of USC personnel towards customers.
9. Absolut Insurance LLC
Number of complaints – 0,35648.
• The negative reviews on are mainly related to the underestimation of the amount of car repairs under OSAGO, as well as the long wait for information from the insurer and referral to car services with not very good reviews.
8. OOO Insurance Company Consent
Number of complaints – 0,36619.
• On iRecommend, there are complaints that Consent terminates OSAGO agreements without the consent of users due to allegedly incorrectly specified data. In the People's rating on, the insurer is in 19th place and the average score is 1.43.
• Also, users note low payments for losses, and a long period for considering applications.
7. PJSC Insurance Company "Rosgosstrakh"
Number of complaints – 0,36807.
• One of the largest Russian insurers has an extensive network throughout the country. And some customers who have insured their car under OSAGO at Rosgosstrakh complain that the company underestimates the amount of payments, or greatly delays car repairs, and its employees impose additional services.
• There are also clients who are dissatisfied with the unprofessionalism or rudeness of Rosgosstrakh employees.
6. Adonis Insurance Company LLC
• There are not so many reviews on Runet about this insurance company as about the previous participants in the rating.
• There are complaints about the cancellation of an already purchased OSAGO policy (the money was returned to the client's card) and that Adonis does not transfer OSAGO data to the PCA for a long time.
5. JSC Insurance Company POLIS-GARANT
Number of complaints – 0,48473.
• This Russian insurer provides services to both individuals and legal entities. But the number of complaints about his work is quite high, according to the Central Bank.
• Some users complain about the refusal to pay for OSAGO, others – that the paid OSAGO policy does not come to e-mail.
4. JSC Insurance company "BASK"
Number of complaints – 0,55185.
• Incompetent employees, rudeness on the phone, refusal to issue OSAGO under various pretexts, and even loss of documents due to an insured event – this is what some BASK clients face, judging by the reviews on and the Insurance News Agency website.
3. LLC Insurance company "Paritet-SK"
Number of complaints – 0,59609.
• The top 3 worst Russian OSAGO insurers are opened by a Moscow company that deals with various types of insurance – from cars to property, cargo, transport, etc.
• Negative feedback about the work of "Paritet-SK" is associated with a long wait for a paid electronic OSAGO policy (it does not come to the post office), underestimation of payments and delays in reimbursing customers.
2. JSC Insurance Business Group
Number of complaints – 1,12457.
• Among the frequent complaints about this company are problems with access to a personal account, problems with registration of an electronic OSAGO (errors occur or the policy does not come to e-mail), impolite communication between employees and customers and lengthy consideration of applications for an insured event.
1. JSC Insurance company "Armeets"
Number of complaints – 1,66006.
• The champion of the anti-rating of the worst companies insuring cars under OSAGO once bore the name Itil. However, with the name change, the quality of services has not improved, judging by the number of complaints.
• Users note that payments for insured events have to wait for months (if they come at all), money does not come for a long time after the termination of the contract, and OSAGO electronic policies sometimes do not come to the post office after payment.
• In addition, "Armeets" often refuses insurance payments under various pretexts. And in your personal account there are problems with making changes to the OSAGO policy.
Rating of OSAGO insurers with zero complaints according to the Bank of Russia
- JSC "Insurance company" Twenty-first century "".
- JSC Insurance Company PARI.
- JSC Insurance Group Spasskiye Vorota.
- OOO Insurance Company Megaruss-D.
- LLC Insurance Company RESO-Chance.
- Insurance Joint Stock Company "Medexpress".