10 richest civil servants 2021, Forbes rating

• The coronavirus year knocked some people down, while others, on the contrary, blossomed and swayed. As, for example, Russian government officials – compared to 2019, their total income in 2020 increased by 10,1 billion rubles. and in total amounted to 75,9 billion rubles. According to Forbes, the amounts received are associated (almost exclusively) with private business.
• In addition to deputies of various kinds of assemblies, the rating of the richest civil servants and deputies according to Forbes also includes state leaders like the permanent head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov and the president of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.
How was the study
- Forbes experts have researched more than 250 state and non-state organizations in search of wealthy officials – from the Supreme Court to regional legislatures, from the Central Bank to the Federal Assembly.
- The collected information was distributed according to the amount of income – however, not personal, but family (it's no secret that the best half of many of our officials and businessmen suddenly discover business acumen and rapidly grow rich).
- So far, not all authorities have published income declarations – the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions are late. Who knows, maybe there is a particularly well-fed deputy hiding from the public eye in the jungle there.
10. Sergey Gusev
- Family income: 2229,19 million rubles
- Personal income: 2222,51 million rubles
• For the first time, Sergey Gusev, a deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma (of course, from United Russia), made his way into the top ten richest state officials. He made a fortune in confectionery – at first he was the director of the Slavyanka factory, and then he moved to the position of development director.
• The trade in sweets is going well, and Gusev's enterprise has not only increased in size, but at the moment it is a whole group of companies. Last year they earned more than 30 billion rubles.
• Gusev himself explains his commercial success with brevity worthy of the ancient Romans: "You buy something, you sell something."
9. Vladimir Zotov
- Family income: 2382,1 million rubles
- Personal income: 2380,92 million rubles
• The United Russia deputy in the Belgorod Regional Duma, Vladimir Zotov, specializes in meat. He is the owner of the Agro-Belogorye company, which breeds pigs and supplies products with talking brands like Grill Menu and Meat Feast to the market.
• In addition to the actual pig farms, the holding also includes grain companies engaged in the production of feed for pigs, as well as feed mills and a meat processing complex.
8. Igor Zubarev
- Family income: 2421,99 million rubles
- Personal income: 2421,99 million rubles
• Zubarev continues the already emerging trend in this top 10, and the source of his wealth is not oil and gold, but food. If Gusev was "responsible" for sweets, and Zotov – for meat, then Zubarev is engaged in fishing on an industrial scale. He is the beneficiary of "Consent", which fishes in the sea, and the founder of "Trout of Karelia", which mines silvery gold in fresh waters.
• As for the political side of Igor Zubarev's life, he served for a long time as chairman of the Union of Fishermen of Karelia and now represents this republic in the Federation Council (guess about the party yourself).
7. Grigory Anikeev
- Family income: 2733,35 million rubles
- Personal income: 2733,35 million rubles
• As evil tongues calculated, if Grigory worked in the office from and to 8 hours a day and the number of his working days a year was no different from the usual, then he would earn 23 thousand rubles per minute. A meat processing company brings good money!
• But ABI Group deals not only with meat: they also have suburban real estate, manage commercial real estate and deal with various media resources in the Vladimir region. By the way, the mysterious ABI stands for simply – Anikeev Business Invest.
6. Alexander Nekrasov
- Family income: 2865,75 million rubles
- Personal income: 5,6 million rubles
• At first glance, the annual income of Alexander Nekrasov looks indecently low for a government official – some 5,6 million rubles. However, the situation changes dramatically, given that his family owns a stake in the large construction company Leader Group.
• Four years ago, it was even larger, but there was a split, and the deputy’s family (as we know, Alexander himself lives on his modest 5,6 million rubles) remained to own St. Petersburg assets, and her now former partners – Moscow.
• Nekrasov in the ranking is a rare bird; he is not United Russia, but was in the State Duma under the sign of the Communist Party. And then moved on to membership in the Federation Council.
5. Valery Ponomarev
- Family income: 4207,13 million rubles
- Personal income: 4181,77 million rubles
• The former party official, head of propaganda in the Kamchatka regional committee of the Komsomol, has come a long way – from historical materialism to the production of license plates for cars, and then to the ownership of part of Okeanrybflot, one of the largest fishing companies.
• Last year, Ponomarev's income increased by almost one and a half times, jumping up from a "modest" amount of 2 billion 760 million rubles.
• The proud owner of the Ferrari F430 and the nostalgic Gaz-21 has been representing the Kamchatka Territory in the Federation Council for ten years now. And his enterprise, Okeanrybflot, regularly transfers aid to United Russia, the amounts of which are even more than allowed (and the companies regularly return the difference).
4. Alexander Basansky
- Family income: 4349,65 million rubles
- Personal income: 4353,46 million rubles
• Like many other representatives of the rating of the richest Russian officials, Alexander is an almost permanent deputy from United Russia.
• In addition to being a deputy (and Basansky has been doing it for a long time – since 1997), he owns the Arbat concern, which specializes in the extraction of precious metals and the manufacture of jewelry.
• And now he also began to breed strawberries. It's no secret that in Kolyma there is a problem with fresh vegetables and fruits – sometimes they are not there, then their prices are exorbitant. Now a large greenhouse complex has appeared in the Magadan Region, where berries can be grown all year round, and it was Basansky who invested in it.
3. Dmitry Pashov
- Family income: 6289,72 million rubles
- Personal income: 6289,49 million rubles
• Although the income of Dmitry Pashov, a deputy of the Sakhalin Regional Duma, seems quite high to ordinary people, Forbes experts judged otherwise. From the first place of last year's rating, the deputy went down to third.
• And no wonder – 2020/2021 turned out to be nervous for Dmitry. First, the investigative committee, investigating the murder of a businessman, finds out that Moneron LLC (a company engaged in crab fishing on Sakhalin) actually belongs not to Pashov, but to a certain Oleg Kan, who was fond of smuggling claw-arms and is now on the run.
• Then, in the beginning, Moneron was arrested. A month later, the company suddenly finds itself on the list of backbones (Ksenia Sobchak's mother asked to include it there, who, it turns out, had long wanted to acquire shares in crab fishers), and a month later mysteriously disappears from there.
• But the real fun began in the spring, when the deceived Singaporeans, whose nets did not get the promised crabs for a total of $ 26 million, filed a bankruptcy lawsuit against Moneron. Moreover, Pashov himself was arrested on charges of fraud with the prices of export products.
• Not surprisingly, the businessman's income has fallen. Will he manage to stay in the top 10 Russian civil servants with the highest incomes or are we seeing the very beginning of the end – time will tell.
2. Igor Yevtushok
- Family income: 7749,98 million rubles
- Personal income: 5057 million rubles
• Since 2007, this permanent deputy of United Russia has made capital in the field of fishing.
• He is a co-owner of Okeanrybflot, a company that alone holds 30% of the total amount of fish caught by Kamchatka enterprises. And a business partner of Valery Ponomarev, already mentioned in the rating (fifth place).
1. Konstantin Strukov
- Family income: 8627,49 million rubles
- Personal income: 8627,3 million rubles
• Last year was fruitful for the president of Yuzhuralzoloto and part-time deputy of the Chelyabinsk region Konstantin Strukov. His income allowed him to jump two steps forward and firmly establish himself in first place in the list of the wealthiest civil servants and deputies of Russia.
• However, recently Strukov got bored with gold mining, and he turned his attention to black gold – hard coal – and is actively investing in its mining in Kuzbass with an eye to his own holding.
• Strukov is popular in his city of Plast, where everyone recognizes the white "Niva" of the owner. For more than 20 years, he has been a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, and in 2016 he even received the position of vice speaker for ecology. However, he changed his mind, believing that active participation in politics could hurt business.