Rating of the best electronic online libraries of Runet

• Three years ago, the share of pirated books in the Russian segment of the Internet reached 95%. It is not known how things are now, but it is known for sure that many previously available electronic libraries (for example, the famous Flibusta) are now blocked for copyright infringement.
• Since we stand for the legality of content distribution, in the selection of the best electronic libraries of Runet we have collected resources that offer a huge, and most importantly, legal selection of digital books.
10. Klex Book Archive
• This is one of the most convenient online libraries of Runet in terms of design and search for the right book.
• Of course, the range of texts in it is not as wide as other participants in the rating, but Klex is an indispensable resource if you need to find a free book on psychology, self-development, or religious practices.
Library feature: Only one format is available for download – DOC.
9. Reading
• It will be extremely difficult to get confused in the interface of this good Runet online library, it is so minimalistic.
On e-Reading you can download many different works for free: from science fiction, fantasy and westerns to religious and philosophical treatises or the most difficult books in the world.
Feature: Books can only be downloaded in ZIP format. But this is a minor inconvenience, given the huge number of completely free and available books.
8. Samolit
• This rather young online library has already become popular due to the presence of a large number of books – both classics and new ones.
• Some books are available only for a fee, but there are also completely free texts in the most popular formats (TXT, FB2, and EPUB). And before you buy your favorite book, you can read an excerpt from it.
Features: you can download author's texts and earn on them, you can create virtual libraries.
7. LitPortal
Site –
• A large Russian online library pleases readers with both a large number of downloadable book formats and a lively, crowded forum where you can discuss everything from digital library problems and OCR to literary flame and reviews on specific authors and works.
Features: many book novelties, however, most books have only part of the text open for free reading.
6. LitMir
• This site was among those affected by the "anti-piracy" sanctions of Roskomnadzor. However, he corrected himself, removed the books that the copyright holders complained about, and again returned to the top ten most popular online libraries on the Runet.
• Here you can read and download (mainly in the form of a large introductory fragment) more than 560 thousand books, including foreign and domestic novelties. Like many other Russian electronic libraries, the link to the full version of the book on LitMir leads to LitRes.
Features: the ability to bookmark the desired part of the text, there are many free books. A very convenient search, you can see not only a series of books, but also the number of books in this series.
5. Kodges.ru
• The regularly updated e-library allows you to download both e-books and audio books in MP3 format for free. And not in fragments, but in its entirety.
• For the convenience of users, audiobooks immediately indicate the file size, audio bitrate, as well as the name and surname of the reader. And even a child will understand the interface of the site.
Features: a large amount of specialized literature on physical education and sports, medicine, jurisprudence, etc. You can independently upload existing literature in suitable formats or audio books.
4. RoyalLib.com
• This huge online library is very convenient for those who do not want to download books to their computer and read them directly on the site. It has a beautiful and thoughtful design, comfortable for the eyes. And in the right place of the book, you can set a bookmark.
Feature: Not all books are available in full length due to complaints from copyright holders. And those that can still be downloaded for free are available in popular formats such as TXT, DOC, RTF, FB2, HTML and EPUB.
• This well-known book portal has over 100 thousand works (including audio books). However, most of them are for informational purposes, and you can only download a fragment of the book.
Feature: intuitive interface, availability of novelties of Russian and foreign authors.
2. Aldebaran
• One of the best e-book libraries still evokes nostalgic memories of the “pirate freemen” of the 2000s in many Runet regulars. But those days are gone, and now Aldebaran is a respectable resource that helps readers decide whether to buy this or that publication.
• Most of the books in this library are offered as excerpts only. The full version can be purchased at the LitRes online store. However, there are books that can be downloaded for free in popular formats including FB2, EPUB, and even PDF.
• The features of the site include a user-friendly interface, the presence of advertising and the ability to purchase an audiobook.
1. Library of Maxim Moshkov
• Probably only those who have never read electronic books have not heard of this oldest library in Runet. It was she who became the starting point for the now popular book resources, such as Samizdat, ArtOfWar, etc.
• On the pages of this resource you can find books of any genre, including a huge selection of classics of world literature. All books are conveniently sorted by subject, which makes it easier to find.
Features of this electronic library are laconic design, lack of advertising and the inability to download books. They will have to be read directly on the site, and this is not very convenient, since the font is too small.