Top lists and selections on the topic of plants and animals, living and non-living world: the highest and deepest rivers, lakes, mountains on planet Earth. The most beautiful animals: cats, dogs. Unusual plants.

25 Best Tomato Varieties of 2023
If there were a competition for the most popular vegetablen gardens, tomatoes would take first or second place. But for most gardeners it will not work ...
The best varieties of potatoes 2023, the most delicious and fruitful
Every year, a register is published, which describes the varieties recommended for cultivation in different regions of our country. The registry is public, but...
15 Best Outdoor Squash Varieties 2023
There is a joke about the biggest fear of a gardener: neighbors and friends refuse to take zucchini... But in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke, and zucchini is really...
The 20 Best Carrot Varieties of 2023
Juicy and sweet carrots with a lot of micro and macro elements are an indispensable component of many Russian dishes. It is not difficult to grow this plant on a personal plot, if you choose ...
The 20 Best Grape Varieties of 2023
There are a huge variety of grapes in the world – more than 8 thousand species. But not all of them have become popular. This article gives...
10 best grape varieties for the Moscow region
In the Moscow region, grapes are grown with early and medium ripening, so that the harvest period falls on a warm summer-early autumn, and ends before the onset of a cold period....
The 15 Best Melon Varieties of 2023
Fragrant, tasty melon is always a welcome guest on the tables of Russians. However, growing this plant is not easy, many varieties are so whimsical that, without suitable conditions, either ...
The 15 Best Watermelon Varieties of 2023
Is it possible to grow the largest berry in the world in a summer cottage? Of course yes, and many watermelon varieties and hybrids feel great even on ...
The best varieties of cucumbers 2023 – seed rating
January is the time to buy the most productive cucumber seeds for open ground and greenhouses before they rise in price. In this article, we have collected the best varieties ...
10 Best Sweet Pepper Varieties 2023 for Outdoors and Greenhouses
At the beginning of last year, the price of Bulgarian pepper jumped to 280-350 rubles per kilogram. Of course, in the summer it dropped slightly, but it still “bites”. That's why...
The 15 Best Strawberries of 2023
It's so nice to sink your teeth into the sweet juicy strawberry pulp that smells like fragrant summer! However, for such a result, you will have to work hard – and first of all choose ...
12 Best Cabbage Varieties of 2023
There are over 80 varieties of white cabbage, and each one has its own benefits. In this 2023 ranking, I have collected the best reviews of varieties ...
Top 20 Eggplant Varieties of 2023
Eggplants are productive and tasty vegetables that are perfectly adapted to any conditions – from the fertile south of Russia to the cold Urals and Siberia. All you need is...
Top 20 Beetroot Varieties of 2023
Beets are hardy and lively vegetables. Unlike other root crops, it is almost not susceptible to disease, the garden pest bypasses it, so choosing varieties ...
10 best varieties of onions in 2023
This article presents both the most productive and unpretentious, as well as unusual in appearance varieties of onions for planting in 2023. They...
Top 10 most expensive aquarium fish in the world
The most expensive fish, hunted by everyone from hobby enthusiasts to millionaire celebrities, can be astronomically expensive, befitting its beauty and rarity. Here are the top 10 most expensive...
Top 10 scariest extinct animals
Many of the animals that once roamed the Earth no longer exist. Although in some cases it is very sad, in other cases it is only for the better....
The laziest animals in the world
Have you ever been told by your parents: “Laziness was born before you”? Now, they were right. Sloth was born long before you or me. She appeared with...
The strongest animals in the world
In a constant war between predator and prey, size and strength can be the decisive factor in the victory of one of the parties. However, there are several ways to measure strength, ...
How to remove a tick from a dog or cat, and what to do next
Hot summer days delight everyone – both people and animals. And ticks, if they are not right. These little bloodsuckers pose a threat to both humans and...
The best garden pest control products of 2023
The gardening season is in full swing, and it's time to replenish stocks of chemicals against pests that spoil the harvest and the mood of summer residents. The review also includes processing tools ...
The Best Insect Repellents of 2023 for Kids and Adults
Summer is not only relaxation, enjoying swimming in the river, picnics and barbecues, but also the time of the greatest activity of ticks and mosquitoes. So small...
The best herbicides against weeds of continuous and selective action
Sometimes manual weeding, especially in large areas, is unprofitable – a lot of man-hours are spent, and then weed seeds fall from the neighbors' field and that's it, start ...
10 Best Flea and Tick Remedies for Dogs
Dogs have been in my family for over 30 years. Two of them are no more, the dog age is short. I adopted a puppy last year...
Top 10 Animals Last of Their Kind (Video)
Our planet is home to many animals, according to the authors of the Census of Marine Life project, 6,5 million species live on land, and another 2,2 ...
The creepiest forests in the world
The forest has always brought not only good, but also danger to humans. Wild animals roamed in it, robbers hid, and suicides often used forest trees...
10 most beautiful minerals in the world
Admiring the natural and artificial landscapes of our planet, we sometimes forget about the tiny things that make them up. It's not about pretty beaches or...
Top 5 places with the most beautiful sea
Often the sea is perceived as a place for outdoor activities and swimming. However, the sea is also an immense expanse of water that can bewitch with its beauty. Not...
Top 10 Extinct Dog Breeds
Since humans were able to tame wolves, many breeds of dogs have sprung up. Unfortunately, some breeds – like the ones on this list -...
The most unusual ways of survival in insects
Insects do not have a headache about whether or not to get vaccinated against coronavirus, whether to change jobs, where to go on vacation and other problems, ...1235Page 1 from 5