The best games on PC, XBox, Play Station platforms in all genres. Lists of the most popular and interesting games by reviews with ratings, reviews, and descriptions. Release dates for the most anticipated games of the year. Ratings of games of all time.

The most anticipated games of 2023
I know for sure that something good will happen in 2023. Games! In this review, I have collected for you the most anticipated games of 2023 on...
Sexiest Game Characters
Once upon a time, the first Lara Croft with a triangular chest was considered the standard of playful beauty. But the gaming industry does not stand still, and today give beauties to picky players...
The scariest horror games in the world on PC
In 2022, the inquisitive minds of Broadband Choices decided to look into the computer world and determine which game is the scariest in the world. And in the very...
Top 10 PC and Console Games Where Death Matters
Many games forgive players for fatal mistakes, allowing the journey to continue from the checkpoint with all the items obtained. Many, but not all. Here are the top 10 video games in...
Top 20 CS:GO Players 2021-2022: HLTV
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an impressive example of how player preferences have shaped the gaming industry as we see it today. Once upon a time, the mega-popular competitive shooting game began as...
Worst PC Games of 2023
There are games in which you plunge into a warm sea – for a long time and, perhaps, with your head. And there are games that you want to quickly delete and forget ....
The best games of 2023 on PC
You can spend dozens of hours a month battling other players in PUBG or conquering the endless expanse of Genshin Impact on your smartphone, but PC games...
Top 20 best games
Many are calling 2021 a bad year for video games, and the COVID-19 pandemic is to blame. Nevertheless, the result of this "unfortunate" year was a lot of projects that ...
Top 15 video games with the best cutscenes
Video game directing is now a pure art, on par with, and sometimes superior to, most Hollywood productions. And you will see it for yourself...
Top 10 craziest video game stories
Plots for video games are not always thoughtful and logical. Sometimes there is a slight madness in them. And sometimes the whole plot is one sheer madness. I present to you...
The most anticipated games of 2023
For one reason or another, many major game releases scheduled for 2021 had to be delayed until 2023. And that means New Year's Eve...
The evolution of female breasts in video games
It's hard to imagine the history of video games without sexy female characters like Lara Croft. And the image of one of the most beautiful parts of the female body – the chest ...
The best video games based on movies and TV shows
The best games based on films and TV shows have taken the most successful source materials as a basis. They allow players to plunge into their favorite worlds through epic...
The most difficult video games of all time
For players who lack strong emotions, crave a challenge in the game and many hours of trying to kill the hardest boss, we dedicate this top 20 most difficult video games of all...
Named the best video game of all time and it's not GTA
One of the largest gaming portals in the world – IGN – held a master class in interacting with its audience, using the "Best Video Game of All Time" poll. IN...
Top 10 Famous Video Game Actors
- Do you watch Hollywood actors? – No, we show! – Beautiful ... This could sound like a comic dialogue with the creators of games that have chosen popular actors as the main characters ...
Top 10 secret levels in popular games
As long as there are video games, there will be secret levels in them. The earliest known secret level was in a 1979 Atari game, and was...
Top 10 most realistic games
Let's talk about realism in games, but not graphical, but behavioral. Have you ever wondered what the usual "NPCs" are doing while you save the world from another villainous...
The most anticipated games on PC and consoles
On May XNUMX, gamers finally got to meet the beautiful vampire from Resident Evil: Village. However, this is not the only long-awaited game. On the...
Most Popular Board Games
There is a positive moment in the coronavirus pandemic – it has contributed to the popularization of board games. According to the Ozon online store, in April-May, piece ...
10 fake popular PC games
Many great video games have imitations that copy the success formula. And while most of them failed miserably, some went on to become world famous and far surpassed...
10 Most Popular Dota 2 Betting Teams
Dota 2 is an icon of the MOBA genre, which has been confidently holding at the very top of popularity for several years now, both among esports players and...
Top 15 best hack and slash games
In hack and slash games, the gameplay is relatively simple: there is a main character, a bunch of melee weapons that tend to do a lot of damage, a few...
Top 10 most beautiful games with hand-drawn graphics
In a world full of HDTVs and hyper-realistic graphics, it's easy to forget that some of the best video games in the industry don't rely on photorealistic design...
Best Games – Metacritic Rating
The past year 2020 has forced us to sum up many results, both pleasant and not so good. Here is the Metacritic resource that collects reviews of movies, games, TV shows...
The strangest and most shocking board games
Come to think of it, board games are a strange thing. You and a few people you're (presumably) having fun with are sitting at a table, fixated on a piece of cardboard, and...
The best paid games for PC and consoles
Wargaming and SuperData companies studied the data of the Russian gaming market in the first half and named the best paid games for PC and consoles. And we...
The most popular games of 2004-2020 in the search
Every year there are great games for PC and consoles, and, accordingly, the favorites of the search results change. But some games manage to stay at the top of search queries...
Rating of game consoles 2020, the best consoles
The next generation of game consoles is already very close – the first swallows from the world of the future should be expected by the end. However, among the "oldies" there are ...
Top 10 PS4 Exclusive Games Ranked by Forbes
There are many exclusives for the PlayStation 4 game console, but how to choose the best among them? Forbes magazine experts took up this task, using ...12Page 1 from 2