• Ratings in business and finance. The richest businessmen, interesting business ideas, investment decisions. The best business schools and the world, books about finance. Specialized collections and official lists.

Where to invest money in 2023 profitable
I studied the recommendations of 15 market experts in search of profitable options where to invest in 2023, and I will tell you about each of them in detail. Members...
The best programs for refinancing loans from Russian banks
Servicing a loan can be accompanied by a number of difficulties for the borrower. Timely on-lending allows you to improve the terms of debt repayment. portal experts told what loan refinancing is and ...
Top 20 richest people in 2023
Under the New Year's chimes, most Russian billionaires will rightfully be able to say: "It was a hard year!" Since the beginning of 2023, their total wealth has decreased ...
Best credit and debit cards with cashback 2022
In today's world, banks are a necessary evil. Most people trust them with their funds, although this is not always safer than keeping them at home, in ...
16 countries in which cryptocurrency is legalized
While some countries categorically do not recognize cryptocurrency or introduce it into everyday life very carefully, others are introducing it with might and main into their financial system. Here...
20 richest people in the world 2022 – Forbes ranking
The pandemic, the aggravation of the international situation and the looming financial crisis have thinned the ranks of billionaires. According to the recently published list of the American magazine Forbes – 2022, the world has become...
Anti-crisis measures 2022 – measures to support business and the population of Russia in the context of sanctions
“It’s not up to fat, I would live,” Russians sigh, looking at the events of 2023. Moreover, not only our low-income fellow citizens suffer, but also representatives ...
The best mortgage banks in 2023
According to VTB, the share of mortgage programs with artificially reduced rates increased from 33% to 80% in March. And in general, mortgages take first place ...
Banks with the lowest interest rates on loans
In March 2023, consumer loan rates increased to 23% per annum, and mortgage rates to 19,7%. So the question is which...
List of Russian banks issuing UnionPay cards
The departure of Visa and Mastercard was a painful blow for millions of Russians. From March 10, Russians will no longer be able to buy goods and services abroad. IN...
Rating of Russian banks 2022 in terms of reliability
The rating of Russian banks in terms of reliability for 2022 is based on the latest data from the reporting of Russian credit institutions on forms 101, 123 and 135, published on...
World Economies Ranking 2022, world GDP table
In January 2023, the International Monetary Fund published a report on countries' GDP, its growth dynamics and forecast values for 2022 and...
Forex Broker Rating 2023
For novice Forex traders, choosing a reliable broker becomes one of the main issues. The financial situation of newcomers does not allow them to work by trial and error, ...
Ways to buy cryptocurrency and is it possible to buy it without verification
Cryptocurrency without exaggeration can be called one of the most valuable and promising digital assets. It can be used to buy various things and pay for services. Also...
The richest billionaires 2021, Forbes ranking
The results of the year are summed up by both ordinary people and large online publications like Forbes. And if Russians are worried about everyday things, like how expensive appliances, clothes...
The World's Most Vulnerable Economies
The Covid-19 crisis has exposed major external weaknesses in emerging and resilient economies. They are caused by serious shocks in the areas of supply and demand, ...
Top 10 highest paid performers in the world
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, great changes have taken place in almost all spheres of human activity. The music industry was no exception, because according to Billboard, most ...
10 richest civil servants 2021, Forbes rating
The coronavirus year knocked some people down, while others, on the contrary, blossomed and swayed. As, for example, Russian government officials – compared to 2019, their total income in ...
Top Licensors, Top Global Licensors 2021 list
License Global magazine has released its annual Top Global Licensors 2021 report, listing the top intellectual property owners. It is they who collect financial "cream" from such ...
Top 6 best online cash registers for IP 2021
If you thoroughly approach the choice of equipment, then there will be no problems with the online cash register. You won't have to overpay for service and you won't...
The richest millennial billionaires in the world 2021
It is easy to assume that all billionaires are people who have had decades to create and multiply their fortune. But it turns out that among today's rich...
The richest heirs of Russia 2021, Forbes rating
The sons and daughters of Russian billionaires are the people who in the future can significantly influence the economic and political situation in the country. No wonder...
The best charitable foundations of Russian businessmen 2021 – Forbes rating
Russian Forbes decided to measure the level of social responsibility of Russian businessmen. The magazine's experts have compiled a list of the largest private charitable foundations whose founders are included in the rating of the richest entrepreneurs. IN...
10 youngest billionaires in the world 2021, Forbes ranking
Michael Bloomberg, Elton John, George Lucas, Jackie Chan are just some of the celebrities who decided not to leave their entire fortune to their children, and pass it on to ...
The richest women in the world 2021, Forbes ranking
In order to get into the list of the richest women in the world in 2021, it is not enough to inherit wealth. It still needs to be preserved and multiplied. How successful and...
The best cashback debit cards
According to statistics, 63% of the population use debit cards. No wonder banks compete with each other for such a fat piece of the pie, offering customers profitable...
Most Popular Franchises 2021
Franchises in our country are like a gopher from the movie "DMB" – you can't see him, but he's there. The reason is that the franchise as such is in no way ...
Top 7 Signs of a Phone Scam
Every day, there are reports in the media that fraudsters, under the guise of a bank security service, have lured money from another gullible citizen. According to the deputy chairman of Sberbank...
The best free bets for registration in the bookmaker
Sometimes sports fans want to stir up interest before watching the next match and try to make a bet. But not all of them know what to feel the excitement and...
Russia's 10 Most Impoverished Billionaires 2020 (Forbes)
Having swept like a skating rink through ordinary Russians, the coronavirus has left its mark on the lives of the richest people in the country. The most affected of them lost in 2020...136Page 1 from 6