The most in the world
The largest, most expensive, fastest and highest in the world. Top 5 and top 10 most in the world: people, cars, gadgets, dishes, sights, traditions. Review articles are published here about specific things and phenomena that deserve to be called "The Most-Most in the World".

The largest trees in the world
Humans may have a lot of cool abilities, but we will never grow to 38 stories like the tallest tree in the world. But, in...
The largest ferris wheels in the world
Ferris wheels come in a variety of sizes and can be found in many places including amusement parks and tourist attractions. Below is the top 10 tallest wheels...
The largest object in the universe
It is not easy to accurately determine the largest body in the universe – there is no certainty that we have already explored everything that exists in it. However, in this...
Top 10 most unusual schools in the world
In caves, on the water, under railway bridges – life is in full swing everywhere. And this life is educational! And to confirm my words, I present to you the top 10 ...
Top 10 most expensive aquarium fish in the world
The most expensive fish, hunted by everyone from hobby enthusiasts to millionaire celebrities, can be astronomically expensive, befitting its beauty and rarity. Here are the top 10 most expensive...
Top 10 scariest extinct animals
Many of the animals that once roamed the Earth no longer exist. Although in some cases it is very sad, in other cases it is only for the better....
The laziest animals in the world
Have you ever been told by your parents: “Laziness was born before you”? Now, they were right. Sloth was born long before you or me. She appeared with...
The strongest animals in the world
In a constant war between predator and prey, size and strength can be the decisive factor in the victory of one of the parties. However, there are several ways to measure strength, ...
The largest water parks – the top 10
What could be better than diving into cool water on a hot summer day without the risk of being stung by a jellyfish, colliding with a floating...
10 most expensive musical instruments in the world
There are many musical instruments in the world that are dear only to their owners. But there are some exceptional tools that are worth millions of dollars. Here are the top 10 most expensive music...
Results and expectations from 2023 for Russians – data from VTsIOM
We have already written about the laws and innovations that await Russians in 2022. And what do the Russians themselves expect from 2023? And how they...
The most important events and the world
In 2021, the whole world seemed to be under the influence of the Chinese curse “may you live in times of change!”. There have been so many changes that...
Top 10 useless things bought for a lot of money in the XNUMXst century
Useless things can turn into golden hens overnight. Here are the top 10 items that found the right person at the right time and were sold...
The biggest, longest and thickest dick in the world (photo) 18+
In many ancient and modern cultures, the male phallus is an object of worship as a symbol of fertility and the productive power of nature. The Japanese generally devoted to the subject of male pride ...
The smallest cock in the world (18+)
Measuring the length of your “weapon of love” is a popular and very ancient male fun. According to the legends, even divine beings willingly participated in it. Let's remember...
The most unusual emblems in the world
Some coats of arms look so strange that one would like to ask what the artists used when creating them. But behind the strange picture may be hiding something interesting. In this...
The most expensive dolls in the world
Dolls are not just toys. Some of them are very expensive collectibles. Others are made from expensive materials or intricate ways, so they...
The fattest people in the world
Sometimes a person gains excess weight as a result of an illness. But most people have a different reason – they eat too much and move little. Obesity can...
20 most beautiful places in Crimea
The Crimean peninsula is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. And thanks to the construction of a grandiose bridge across the Kerch Strait to get to its wonders and sights...
10 coldest cities in the world
Freeze in winter? Think it's too cold around here? Does the thought of the warm sun bring tears to your eyes? There are places where it's much, much colder, and that's it...
10 oldest women who have become mothers
In recent years, the average age of women in childbirth has been steadily increasing. And if earlier women who decided to get pregnant for the first time after 25 years, or give birth ...
The most interesting fossil finds
"Who is interested in these fossils, except for paleontologists?" – perhaps the reader who is not so easily surprised will snort. But don't rush. Fossils are not just "boring...
The most expensive fabrics in the world
Have you ever wondered why some items of clothing cost so much? It depends on the fame of the name and the level of creativity of the designer, but in general the answer is...
The most expensive fireworks in the world
The first fireworks began to arrange the Chinese in the XII century., fireworks were seen for the first time in 1675. Today, almost nothing can do without a fire show...
The most comfortable prisons in the world
When you think about prison, I bet that images of iron bars, dark corridors, poor quality food and an atmosphere of horror dominate your thoughts. After all, prison...
The most expensive women's handbags in the world
Handbags are every woman's favorite accessory. And every season, the showrooms of the world's largest fashion houses are filled with new models to seduce the buyer. You may have spent a few...
The most expensive photographs in history
Fine art photography is a strange and volatile market that can change very quickly. While most photographs sell for reasonable amounts, some...
The most expensive flowers in the world
Flowers are one of the most charming gifts of nature. And enterprising people have long figured out how to turn it to their advantage. Flowers created and disappeared...
The most expensive motorcycle helmets in the world
Who will appreciate your cool bike worth a hundred thousand dollars if you have an ordinary inexpensive motorcycle helmet on your head? Apparently, luxury designers thought so when creating ...
The most expensive construction projects in the world
Construction projects are expensive, and the most ambitious projects can cost billions of rubles or even dollars. Experts from the English construction and engineering company MTX Contracts and...1211Page 1 from 11