Rating of interethnic tension in the regions of the Russian Federation

Russia is a multinational state. But, unfortunately, the diversity of peoples is not always able to peacefully coexist side by side. The Center for the Study of National Conflicts published rating of interethnic tension in the regions of the Russian Federation.
• The ten most disadvantaged regions included the regions of both central Russia and the South, as well as the North Caucasus region. Well, among the most prosperous regions in the interethnic plan were the Kaliningrad region, Mari El, Tuva and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
10. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
• Although no active activity of nationalist associations was noted on the territory of the district, conflicts between local residents of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and migrants from the Caucasus and from the poor republics of Central Asia are not uncommon here.
9. Rostov region
• Most interethnic conflicts are connected with people from the Caucasus. Most often, the persecution of Caucasians is expressed in mass events, the distribution of nationalist leaflets, and propaganda on social networks.
8. Nizhny Novgorod Region
• The region was in the "anti-rating" because of the conflict with the natives of Armenia in December last year, which led to the murder of A. Slakaev. The assassination sparked a series of pogroms. At the very end of December, a major fight between Armenians and radical Russophiles took place already in Nizhny Novgorod itself.
7. Astrakhan region
• Inter-ethnic tension in the region is associated with the activity of nationalist movements directed against people from the Caucasus. During the Astrakhan region, at least 4 so-called "Russian marches" were held.
6. Krasnodar Territory
• As a rule, Chechens, Ingush, natives of Kabardino-Balkaria act as participants in interethnic clashes in the region. The holding of the Olympic Games contributed to the reduction of tension in relations between ethnic groups, during which security measures were significantly strengthened.
5. The Republic of Tatarstan
• The main ethnic conflicts arise between the main ethnic group of the region, the Tatars, and the rest of the population of the Republic. During the past year, there have also been conflicts involving numerous migrants from the countries of the North Caucasus.
4. Stavropol Territory
• The region attracts people from the Caucasian republics with its proximity, economic stability, availability of universities, infrastructure, and jobs. As a result, mass uncontrolled migration leads to an increase in interethnic tension, as it is negatively perceived by the indigenous population of Stavropol.
3. St. Petersburg
• Inter-ethnic tension in the northern capital is associated with the activities of ultra-right and fan groups. As a rule, the activities of nationalist associations are directed against people from the Caucasus or from the republics of Central Asia.
2. Moscow
• Interethnic conflicts in the capital often take on political overtones. Manifestations of nationalism attract the attention of the media, as a result of which all ongoing actions receive a wide response. Characteristic for Moscow is also the extremely young age of the participants in interethnic clashes – these are teenagers 15-17 years old.
1. Dagestan
• It is Dagestan that is the most multinational region of the Russian Federation – representatives of 14 indigenous peoples live here. Conflicts are most often caused by uneasy relations between different clans, subethnoi and ethnic groups. The spread of radical Islam, as well as the high unemployment rate in Dagestan, also contributes to inciting discord.