Most anticipated series: foreign, Russian

• “Imported” and domestic films are good for everyone, they just end quickly. It's a matter of series, many of them have been going on for years, and at the same time they do not lose popularity, take at least the "Game of Thrones". Using the rating of expectations on Kinopoisk as a guideline, we have compiled a list of the most anticipated series. It includes both Russian and foreign TV series.
Most Anticipated Foreign Series
5. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Genre: western
• The foreign selection opens with a six-episode film project by the Coen brothers, filmed in the now rare western genre.
• The hero of the first part will be a singing cowboy, whose name flaunts on the title of the series.
• In the second part, we will talk about a tramp who does not know how to drive cattle or rob banks.
• The third part will tell the story of the actor and impresario of the traveling show.
• In the fourth part, the plot will focus on the owner of the gold mine, which the villain is trying to take away.
• In the fifth part, viewers will see a girl in trouble and two savior heroes.
• And, finally, in the sixth part, the story of the passengers of the stagecoach, following a mysterious route, will be told.
4. Maniac
Genre: comedy
• The main roles in this black comedy are assigned to John Hill and Emma Stone. The plot revolves around the fantasies of a man locked in a psychiatric hospital. Details about the character of the protagonist are kept secret, as well as many other features related to the project.
3. The Witcher
Genre: fantasy, action
• The exact release date of one of the most anticipated series has not yet been determined, but fans are already hoping that it will be a new Game of Thrones, with monsters, dwarves and elves. The series is directed by Tomasz Baginski, who is responsible for the Oscar-nominated animated film The Cathedral, as well as 8 short films and high-quality trailers for The Witcher games.
It is not yet known who will play the role of Geralt. Many want to see Michal Zhebrovsky in this role, who has already starred in a Polish film and TV series about the adventures of the charismatic White Wolf. But whether the creators of the series – Platige Image and Netflix – will go for it is still unknown. It is authentically known that the voice of Geralt will be Jacek Rozenek.
2. Good omens
Genre: comedy
• This six-episode film project, based on the novel by the famous Terry Pratchett and his co-author Neil Gaiman, will star Michael Sheen (he got the role of the angel Aziraphale), David Tennant, who will reincarnate as the demon Crowley and Jon Hamm, his character will be the archangel Gabriel.
The action of the book of the same name takes place in 2018, when Judgment Day is about to take place. Only now the Antichrist, who is a key figure in the coming Apocalypse, is brought up in a completely different way from what the biblical Lucifer should be. And the hellish-paradise duet of Aziphrael and Crowley (accustomed to a long life on Earth), is trying with all their might to prevent Judgment Day.
1. Castle Rock
Genre: horror, fantasy
• The most anticipated series among foreign novelties was a ten-episode film adaptation of several works by Stephen King, which takes place in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine. Supernatural things are constantly going on there.
• Castle Rock has featured in numerous King stories over the years, including The Dead Zone and Cujo.
The Castle Rock trailer ends on a most exciting and provocative note. A sticker is visible on a car that is submerged in water: "Shawshank Department of Corrections." This prison from the cult movie "The Shawshank Redemption" has been officially confirmed as a key facility for the series. No, we probably won't see Andy Dufresne on this show, but maybe someone will find freedom by crawling through a sewer pipe.
The most anticipated Russian TV series
5. Diamond Chariot
Genre: detective
• The series, based on the work of the same name by Boris Akunin, tells about the confrontation between Russian and Japanese intelligence officers during the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. The main character will be Erast Fandorin, but who will play him is still a mystery. The Diamond Chariot is expected to have 12 episodes.
4. Free reading
Genre: melodrama, history
• Once upon a time, the whole country gathered at the TV screens to cry along with the characters of "Slave Izaura". Years have passed, and in 2018 the audience will have to empathize with the young and beautiful Russian serf (essentially the same slave) Polina Lebedeva. She was sold at auction to her benefactor's worst enemy, the cruel Count Andrey Krechetsky. Will Izaura…sorry, Polina, be able to find happiness and freedom?
3. Policeman from Rublyovka 3
Genre: comedy
In the list of expected Russian TV series, this is the first, but not the last story of the rich Pinocchio, who valiantly serves for the benefit of society in the ranks of the police. However, unlike the second place in the rating, "Policeman from Rublyovka" has a more comedic focus, which does not negate, however, the seriousness of what is happening on the screen. It's just that the characters joke more and there is more humor in their relationship, which makes it the best Russian series .
2. Major 3
Genre: drama, crime
• Continuation of the story of Igor Sokolovsky – a policeman who inherited his father's business and lives in a big way. Each series in the previous parts was both an independent story and a link necessary for the development of relationships between key characters.
• In the past two seasons, the audience was presented not only with a charismatic and likable hero, breaking out of the image of the classic "golden boy", but also with excellent visuals, unexpected plot twists and high-quality action. If the series does not lower the bar in the third season, it will become one of the best Russian crime series.
1. Liquidation 2
Genre: detective, crime
• Ten years have passed since the release of the first season of "Liquidation" with the brilliant Vladimir Mashkov in the title role. It would seem that the series is logically over, but many fans hoped that a continuation would follow. And it will be, because back in 2015, the head of the Mars Media film studio confirmed that the contract for the second season of Liquidation with the Ded Moroz film company was signed. Date of the premiere, approximately – the end or the beginning. Since Mashkov can't get to Ukrainian Odessa due to some "black lists" of banned people, the shooting of the new "Liquidation" is likely to be held in Moscow or Rostov.
• In the top 5 most anticipated foreign TV series, comedies and fantasy shared the first place. But from Russian directors, the audience expects, basically, detective novelties. However, regardless of the genre, both domestic and foreign series promise to be spectacular and interesting, because they are filmed by famous directors, and famous actors are involved in the filming.