Coins in circulation:

Xnumx dinar
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: 1 National Bank building; denomination designation: 1 DINAR · DINAR.
2005 Nickel-brass alloy (75% Cu, 0,5% Ni, 24,5% Zn). Diameter - 20.00 mm., Thickness - 1.90 mm. The weight - 4.26 g. Sectoral corrugation edge.
Coin of this type in circulation since July 2, 2005, issued in 2005 - 2011

Xnumx dinar
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: National Bank building; denomination designation: 1 DINAR · DINAR.
2009, Copper clad steel. Diameter - 20 mm. The weight - 4.20 g. Sectoral corrugation edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since March 2, 2009, the only year of issue.
In 2010 - 2011, a coin of similar design and alloy was also issued, but with a slightly modified coat of arms - the so-called. the second type.

Xnumx dinar
Obverse: In the center is a modified coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: National Bank building; denomination designation: 1 DINAR · DINAR.
2011, Copper clad steel. Diameter - 20 mm. The weight - 4.20 g. Sectoral corrugation edge.
Coin of this type in circulation since May 20, 2011, issued in 2011, 2012

2 dinars
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: Image of the church in Gracanice; denomination: 2 DINARS · DINARA.
2007 Nickel-brass alloy (75% Cu, 0,5% Ni, 24,5% Zn). Diameter - 22.00 mm., Thickness - 1.90 mm. The weight - 5.15 g. Corrugated edge.
Coin of this type in circulation since December 27, 2006, issued in 2006 - 2009

2 dinars
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: Image of the church in Gracanice; denomination: 2 DINARS · DINARA.
2009, Copper clad steel. Diameter - 22.00 mm. The weight - 5.05 g. Corrugated edge.
Coin of this type in circulation since March 20, 2009, issued in 2009 - 2011

2 dinars
Obverse: In the center is a modified large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: Image of the church in Gracanice; denomination: 2 DINARS · DINARA.
2011, Copper clad steel. Diameter - 22.00 mm. The weight - 5.05 g. Corrugated edge.
Coin of this type in circulation since May 20, 2011, issued in 2011, 2012
The coin is not yet in the FMD funds.

5 dinars
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: Image of the church in Krushedol; denomination: 5 DINAR · DINARA.
2010 Nickel-brass alloy. Diameter - 24.00 mm., Thickness - 1.70 mm. The weight - 6.13 g. Sectoral corrugation edge.
Coin of this type in circulation since July 2, 2005, issued in 2005 - 2011
In 2011, a coin of similar design and alloy was also issued, but with a slightly modified coat of arms - the so-called. the second type.

10 dinars
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: Image of the church in Studenice; denomination: 10 DINAR · DINARA.
2005 Copper-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). Diameter - 26.00 mm., Thickness - 2.10 mm. The weight - 7.77 g. Sectoral corrugation edge.
Coin of this type in circulation since July 2, 2005, issued in 2005 - 2011
In 2011, a coin of similar design and alloy was also issued, but with a slightly modified coat of arms - the so-called. the second type.

10 dinars "XXV Universiade in Belgrade"
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: Stylized emblem of the Universiade in Belgrade, denomination: 10 DINAR · DINARA. Inscription: XXV UNIVERSIJADA BEOGRAD SRBJA.
2009 Copper-Nickel (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). Diameter - 26.00 mm., Thickness - 2.10 mm. The weight - 7.77 g. Sectoral corrugation edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since June 26, 2009, the only year of issue.

20 dinars "Nikola Tesla"
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: On the right - a portrait of N. Tesla, on the left - the denomination in figure, under the portrait - the year of issue. On the right, in a semicircle, dates: 1856 - 1943 and an inscription: NIKOLA TESLA. At the top, in a semicircle, the monetary unit in Cyrillic and Latin: 20 DINARS • DINARA.
2006 Copper-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). The color is silvery white. Diameter - 28.00 mm. The weight - 9.00 g. Corrugated edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since June 30, 2006, the only year of issue.

20 dinars "Dositey Obradovic"
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: On the right - the portrait of D. Obradovich, on the left - the denomination in figure, under the portrait - the year of issue. On the right, in a semicircle, dates: 1742 - 1811 and an inscription: DOSITEJ OBRADOVIĦ. At the top, in a semicircle, the monetary unit in Cyrillic and Latin: 20 DINARS • DINARA.
2007 Copper-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). The color is silvery white. Diameter - 28.00 mm. The weight - 9.00 g. Corrugated edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since December 10, 2007, the only year of issue.

20 dinars "Milutin Milankovic"
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: On the right - the portrait of M. Milankovich, on the left - the denomination in number, under the portrait - the year of issue. On the right, there is an inscription in a semicircle: MILUTIN MILANKOVIĦ. At the top, in a semicircle, the monetary unit in Cyrillic and Latin: 20 DINARS • DINARA.
2009 Copper-Nickel (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). The color is silvery white. Diameter - 28.00 mm. The weight - 9.00 g. Corrugated edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since June 26, 2009, the only year of issue.

20 dinars "Georges Weifert"
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: On the right - the portrait of J. Weifert, on the left - the denomination in number, under the portrait - the year of issue. On the right, in a semicircle, the date: 1850 - 1937 and the inscription: ЂОРЂЕ VAЈFERT. At the top, in a semicircle, the monetary unit in Cyrillic and Latin: 20 DINARS • DINARA.
2010 Copper-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). The color is silvery white. Diameter - 28.00 mm. The weight - 9.00 g. Corrugated edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since June 16, 2010, the only year of issue.

20 dinars "Ivo Andrich"
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: On the right - a portrait of Ivo Andrich, on the left - the denomination in number, under the portrait - the year of issue. On the right, in a semicircle, the date: 1892 - 1975 and the inscription: IVO ANDRI €. At the top, in a semicircle, the monetary unit in Cyrillic and Latin: 20 DINARS • DINARA.
2011 Copper-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). The color is silvery white. Diameter - 28.00 mm. The weight - 9.00 g. Corrugated edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since May 20, 2011, the only year of issue.

20 dinars "Mikhail Pupin"
Obverse: In the center is the large coat of arms of the country. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: НБС - NBS · REPUBLIC SRBIJA - REPUBLIKA SRBIJA.
Reverse: On the right - the portrait of Mikhail Pupin, on the left - the denomination in number, under the portrait - the year of issue. On the right, in a semicircle, the date: 1854 - 1935 and the inscription: MIKHALO PUPIN. At the top, in a semicircle, the monetary unit in Cyrillic and Latin: 20 DINARS • DINARA.
2012 Copper-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). The color is silvery white. Diameter - 28.00 mm. The weight - 9.00 g. Corrugated edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since June 5, 2012, the only year of issue.
There are rarely in circulation Coins of 2003 - 2005 issue, with the emblem of the National Bank of Serbia.

Xnumx dinar
Obverse: In the center - the emblem of the National Bank of Serbia. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE · NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE.
Reverse: National Bank building; denomination designation: 1 DINAR · DINAR.
2003 Copper-zinc-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). Diameter - 20.00 mm., Thickness - 1.90 mm. The weight - 4.34 g. Corrugated edge. Circulation: 10.
Coin of this type in circulation since July 2, 2003, issued in 2003 - 2005

2 dinars
Obverse: In the center - the emblem of the National Bank of Serbia. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE · NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE.
Reverse: Image of the church in Gracanice; denomination: 2 DINARS · DINARA.
2003 Copper-zinc-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). Diameter - 22.00 mm., Thickness - 2.00 mm. The weight - 5.24 g. Corrugated edge. Circulation: 4.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since July 2, 2003, the only year of issue.

5 dinars
Obverse: In the center - the emblem of the National Bank of Serbia. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE · NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE.
Reverse: Image of the church in Krushedol; denomination: 5 DINAR · DINARA.
2003 Copper-zinc-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). Diameter - 24.00 mm. The weight - 6.23 g. Corrugated edge. Circulation: 15.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since July 2, 2003, the only year of issue.

10 dinars
Obverse: In the center - the emblem of the National Bank of Serbia. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE · NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE.
Reverse: Image of the church in Studenice; denomination: 10 DINAR · DINARA.
2003 Copper-zinc-nickel alloy. Diameter - 26.00 mm., Thickness - 2.10 mm. The weight - 7.77 g. Corrugated edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since July 2, 2003, the only year of issue.

20 dinars
Obverse: In the center - the emblem of the National Bank of Serbia. Along the edge of the Coin there is a circular inscription: NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE · NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE.
Reverse: The image of the church of st. Sava; face value: 20 DINAR · DINARA.
2003 Copper-zinc-nickel alloy (70% Cu, 12% Ni, 18% Zn). Diameter - 28.00 mm. The weight - 9.00 g. Corrugated edge.
The coin of this type has been in circulation since July 2, 2003, the only year of issue.